kauket blackmoore directed by kauket

Ok, you asked how I became what I am...
Here is my story. Sit down....

I was about 6 years old, my daddy and mum died by the defias brotherhood.
I hid myself in a old wardrobe under a pile of old clothes.
I heard them searching for me, but they didn't find me.... I stay there for hours until it gets dark outside. I crawl out of my hideout, saw my parents dead in the kitchen and ran out into the dark night.
I ran until my lungs felt like burning ice and I collapsed somewhere in a dark forest and felt into a deep sleep with nightmares.
After hours I woke up ... my legs hurt. I was thirsty and I had no idea where I am.
I walked through the endless forest, until I found a small well. I drunk a lot of water, and when I stand up I scratched my left arm on a thorn bush. Damned that hurt ... more than normal. I wandered around in hope to find a village or house... but there was nothing. Meanwhile my arm starts hurting more an more and I felt like drunken. Visions began to flicker in my head and everything starts turning.... I let me drop on an old treestump. I don't know how long I sat there... I felt sick and fell into a sleep with bad nightmares again.
The next thing I remember is, I woke up in a bed. Next to me was a woman holding my hand. She asked me how I feel. Better... she told me I was feverish for 7 days and her husband is out to figure out what kind of curse he found while he investigated me.
After 2 days he came back.
Bad news, it's the worgen curse. Were you bitten by a huge wulf or something like that?
No, but I scratched my arm on a bush.
After a few hours a old man came and started a investigation... He asked a lot of questions, studied my blood...
After a few hours he said: Good news, she will be fine with that curse. A direct bite is much more worse. It seems to be a weaker curse. She will stay clear minded without a ritual.
I lived for many years with my new parents but I felt driven by a inner beast that shouts for revenge.
When I was 18 I went out at the evening to buy some fish at the market.
At half way on a dark corner I heard three guys talking about something strange.
I crept closer ... and heard them talking about a raid planed in two days on a farm.
I stepped on a dry twig... and they turned around. Hey, who is there? Awwww a little girl, wrong time, wrong place...
They pulled out knifes and came to catch me. I felt panic... In that moment I felt pain and burning rage a for a few seconds it was dark around me.
When I was clear minded I saw the three guys standing in front of me. I jumped towards the left one and punched him into his face and scratched over his belly. Blood splattered around and he goes to the ground. I turned around and swiped the knife of the second one away and bite deep into his arm. I heard bones crushing and blood dripped all over me.
He screams loud, and I graped his throat with my claws and tear it out.
The third guy ran away, but I was much faster. I jumped on his back and took his head and turned it completly around with a loud noise.
I went back to the first guy... there lay something shiny on the ground. I took it.... and I felt a cold shiver running down my neck. It was the necklace of my mother.
That monsters killed my parents years ago... now I had my revenge.
It felt good, but I was surprised how easily I killed that three strong guys.
I sat down and the very first time I realized I'm not weak anymore. I looked down to where my feet are... 2 paws with claws... long legs... my hands are bloody...
I was surprised and shocked.
I ran home... at the frontdoor I realized I lost most of my clothes. No wonder, I was greater and got new sizes...
I get in... my mother turned around and her plate she was holding dropped down.
Oooohhh myy gooood help!!!
Hey mother, I'm your stepdoughter.
Hey ... what happen to you?
I told her the story and showed her the necklace of my mother.
I lived for 2 more years at my parents... at 20 I left to discover the world.
Everytime I turned into a worgen it felt better and better. Strong muscles, elegant curves... I could jump 3m high and running faster than all around me. So I decided to keep it. And the feelings are strong... and I started to discover the indecent things. It feels good to ...
Awww well, that was my story....

  • Comments
  • That's one hell of a story, but at least she didn't loose her mind. You can keep your mind via secondary infection like here, but through bite it's MUCH more difficult to do. I know a clan of werewolves that have managed that feat and use their power to hunt vampires and werewolves that have lost their minds and kill indiscriminately. They're descendants of knights that hunted werewolves back in the day until one of their numbers was bit. He managed to keep his mind by concentrating on his duty, his honor and even his religion. It took time for him to prove he was not wild and eventually proved his new form was not only useful fighting against wild werewolves, but was somehow immune to damage and weaknesses of silver. Eventually other members of this order of knights tried the same. Only a few failed and needed to be put down. With their new power they called themselves the Order of the Wolf and operated in secret for hundreds of years. Their modern descendants travelled to the new world and continue their protection in the U.S. in secret.

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