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Cerberuses are more fun if each head has its own distinct personality. Left head controls left hand and leg, right head controls the right hand and leg, and the middle head is just there for the ride.
>Okay, we've worn the thing for a month, as you requested. May we be unlocked now?
>Unlock us right now, or I'm gonna bite your fucking face off.
>Let us bite the key in half, master! We wanna be horny and drippy for-ev-er~
>Don't listen to Mid, she wouldn't hurt you. But the cage is getting unbearably tight, so, er, may we have the key now?
>We will bite your cock off, and we'll see how *you* like not having a dick.
>We don't need our dick to get off! Please fuck us in the butt! Fuck us and throw away the key~

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