kauket blackmoore directed by kauket

I get what I want...
Here boy, I know you want me... I can see it.
Your body can't lie.
When you're doing it right we can make a switch and I'm your little girl...

  • Comments
  • Indeed. Very sexy, love the pose.. just wish I could see her femininity a little bit, then perfection. Just my opinion of course, your art is excellent.

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  • druidelite said:
    Indeed. Very sexy, love the pose.. just wish I could see her femininity a little bit, then perfection. Just my opinion of course, your art is excellent.

    She's a warrior with all of her goodies.
    Strong mind, strong and well trained body and a total control over it.
    She can drive you crazy or crush your bones...
    Depending how you treat her.

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