directed by lichking127
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Have been a bit in an argonian mood...
This was also created with a lot of img2img and inpainting, I tried writing down what was used for the base image and what I used for the final result


Creating a lot but not posting a lot, just doing stuff for fun
Hit me up if you have ideas/suggestions! I'll see if I can make more for ya :3

I'd also be happy to help any beginners if they need help with generating images!


Due to recent discoveries I decided to not give out the prompt publicly anymore, but I'm happy to share it with anyone who wants to know! :)

  • Comments
  • heartlessdragon said:
    Finally a decent non human cock on a scaly. Wish more had the effort like this one. Great job!

    SD fought me all the way tho, it took a lot of retrying to finally get something non-human, so thanks! That means a lot! ^^

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