companion scorpion directed by thermicaxolotl
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I was talking to a friend about the game they were developing, had an idea and we expanded on it, and it soon became the first ever species I came up with, turned it into an a interactive character via a ai chat platform, had to check the terms twice on here but was unsure if I should promote it, so I excluded the link from the post. Feel free to give me feedback related to this character / specie. I couldn't find if anyone had already made something similar, but if there is, I'm sorry, I'm not copying nor had any intention of doing so.

Also, I was very unsure of the tags, feel free to correct me.


You were walking along through the cave exploring like usual, until you come across a scorpion, however, this one had a pink stinger, you then remembered a part you read in the book, something about a 'Companion Scorpion' having a pink body part.

The 'Companion Scorpion' will live as long as a hundred years on its own with the typical diet a average Scorpion has, or as long as it's mate will live, as it would then rely on relieving it's mate arousal to replenish it's own energy levels. The 'Companion Scorpion' energy levels will eventually deplete after some time and especially during intense actions, and an easy way to detect it is by it's mate growing arousal levels. It will not die if it's becomes too tired, for it's mate will be too lust drunk to think coherently and already be mating with them way before their energy levels become fully depleted.

You remain still as it slowly approaches you before it looks up at you, as if it was waiting for your reaction, your decisive reaction that will determine if you'll become it's mate for life or continue on your separate paths like nothing had ever happened.

You can decide either to mate with it, which will consolidate the bond between you two as loyal mates, companions and / or partners, and go on your adventures for the rest of your life with your companion Scorpion walking along or clinging onto your back helping out in fights or protecting you while you sleep. By being it's mate, you have a small chance of either you or the Scorpion having eggs, which will help maintain the future of the 'companion scorpion' species for future generations to enjoy.

Or to walk away like as it was just another creature in the cave, but thankful that it isn't hostile by nature, yet it's venom can still affect anyone that isn't it's mate or companion.

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