directed by thebluefox

Step 1: Bing-
Create multiple CGI-Realistic styled images. A blue pet fox with dark blue accents is using magic to steadily grow bigger and bigger in a tall room. He starts as a tiny cub, barely bigger than a mouse, and ends up as a massively gigantic fox that is towering over the entire room. He smiles wickedly as he casts his spells in each image. Show his gradual growth over a 4 of panels of that are all 800 x 600 pixels, with each panel showing him in the middle of the frame, taller and more muscular than he was in the previous frame. I will use use Frame Interpolation on each frame, so try to keep the background and all other objects in the room stay in the same spot in each frame. Do not use bleeding frames, because that will interfere with frame interpolation. Do not change the position of the hands, because that also interferes with frame interpolation.

Step 2 Mesh frames with frame-interpolation

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