miriam hayes directed by lendri mujina
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I was wondering whether or not to post this one at all, since I made myself sad at the idea...

But. This is the final picture taken of Colonel Hayes during her lifetime, in April 1986. (That doesn't mean her life story is complete; this is just the last pic chronologically.)
Time had finally begun to catch up to her at this point, and her health was failing. She knew she didn't have much longer. But still she kept a cheerful outlook. She was satisfied with how her life turned out, and she looked forward to reuniting with her husband that she'd lost seven years prior, as well as her war buddies that she'd lost decades before.
Though she abandoned her hobby once and for all after being widowed, she decided she wanted to do just one more nude shot, for old times' sakes.

"I know I don't look like I used to. But... arse is arse, right? *laughs*... er... don't bother getting my good side this time. Most of me doesn't look much better than my old war wounds now anyway."

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