Ratkin are a tight communal folk and do everything together - sleeping, eating, fucking, you name it. It's rare to one on one with one, you're more likely to get caught up in some orgy or reverse gangbang if you present the opportunity. Shameless sisterhoods like these are an all too familiar sight, loitering the alleyways as they enjoy their highs of herb, wine, and cum. They've got the first two, so far, who's willing to bring them the third?
Come'n get your free knock-off Skaven.
Memberto many choices!
Nono, i'm not struggling to decide which one to fuck, i'm trying to decide which ongoing rat joke to go for. Do i go for the R.O.U.S? Do I make a skaven reference? Maybe a bit of Jerma?
MemberOne vote for Skaven, please.
user 1909
MemberThis is great, I would love to see more of these fine ladies in the future.
MemberWe need more Rat girls like this! <3
That and some more human on anthro with ratgirls/guys.
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