directed by notte
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In the opulent embrace of the luxurious club, she moved with a grace that whispered of untamed elegance. Her sleek, obsidian coat shimmered under the soft glow of ambient lights, an embodiment of midnight allure. A symphony of strength and poise, her lithe form exuded a magnetic charm, a dance of sinuous curves that captivated the room.Her eyes, pools of molten bronze, held an enigmatic depth that hinted at both intelligence and primal allure. Each step she took echoed with a confident cadence, a rhythmic poetry that enticed onlookers into a trance. The air around her seemed to hum with a subtle energy, as if she carried an aura of mystique that transcended the physical realm.In the hushed corners of the extravagant venue, the echo of her presence reverberated like a whispered secret. The click-clack of her noble paws against the polished floor created a sensual melody, harmonizing with the ambient music that enveloped the space.As she navigated the lavish surroundings, her movements painted a portrait of regality and allure. A creature of refined taste, she exuded an intoxicating blend of strength and vulnerability, a paradox that only heightened her allure. In the midst of opulence, she stood as a living, breathing masterpiece—a sensual Dobermann, a sublime creation in the tapestry of the night.

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  • Comments
  • That's absolutely amazing!
    I'm so glad you moved to female characters too, cause I have always admired the quality of your images, but I'm not attracted by males.
    I would love to see a version with an anatomically correct vagina, if possible.
    Thanks for sharing!

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  • feralbreeder said:
    That's absolutely amazing!
    I'm so glad you moved to female characters too, cause I have always admired the quality of your images, but I'm not attracted by males.
    I would love to see a version with an anatomically correct vagina, if possible.
    Thanks for sharing!

    I agree, an anatomically correct version will be just lovely. I hope the hands are more feminine too.

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