miriam hayes directed by lendri mujina
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Miriam Hayes (1895 - 1986) was a soldier in the Emu Army, her most prominent battles being in the Great Emu War of 1932, where she served as a Major.

At one point during the Emu War, the morale of her boys was dropping a bit, so she set up a photoshoot for them that she wasn't too proud of. But, if it took that to fight for the defense of her species, so be it.

When interviewed for the fiftieth anniversary of the war in 1982, she was asked about this photo. She remembered that this was the second-most humiliated that she's ever felt (with the first being her devastating defeat at Kalgoorlie that December), but looked back on it as a fond memory, and was flattered that her troops and their descendants had held onto it for that long.

"I often got approached by people wondering if I was abusing my position or shirking my duties. I wasn't, it wasn't my idea," she said. "Started out as a joke between me and my best mates when we were tossin' around ideas to get the men's spirits up that I should just take my clothes off, nothing motivates a bloke more than the female body. Not everyone got the memo that it WAS a joke, though, and the men, they started asking if I was actually gonna do it. After enough times I just asked 'em, 'do you WANT me to actually do it?' And there were a whole lot of yeses. I was just like... 'Fine. Meet me out here at 0500 hours. I'll let you look, you can even take pictures, but anyone who tries to touch'll have hell to pay.' After the embarrassment wore off, though... it was fun. I got into it. Here I was, a tough military officer, and everyone was making me feel attractive."

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