directed by forbiddentome
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I wanted to post this closer (if not on) Halloween, but I wanted to keep my post history ordered if I posted something else and didn't want to wait. Whatever else I post next won't be complete nightmares. I hope someone thought this mini-story was fun! I'm curious if anyone actually bothered to see what the text says? Or even realized it wasn't complete gibberish? I'd like to do more in the future, but with wildly different themes.

Anyway good luck sleeping tonight! :)

In an instant, everything snaps to focus. The book's text no longer an indecipherable wall of shifting text, but an otherwise blank page with one simple statement.
But with that statement comes an overwelming emotion. Dread. Dread. Dread.

13|e. "I dread that the spirits have followed me back, their sinister presence now lurking in my shadow."

Despite this... You don't want to abandon the book. Why would you? Think of the possibilities. Turn to another page. It would be so easy. Don't you want to see?

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