directed by thermicaxolotl
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You were walking through an abandoned town that's covered in snow, you saw the remnants of the buildings, oddly enough, only one building looked like it was maintained in a decent state, your curiosity got the best of you and decided to go check it out, it had large doors that were open, you took a step inside and felt that it was a lot warmer compared to the outside weather, there was a large straw bed on the other side of the building, and what looks to be a unlit fire pit in the middle, there was nothing else inside so you decided to leave and explore the remnants of the town even further, unaware of something watching you from a distance.

You reach a part of the town with a lot of rumble from the buildings, mostly likely there was a lot of houses compacted in this small area, with some of the walls still standing, you looked up at the sky, and saw that it was starting to set, realizing this you decide to call it a day and head back home, however, something pounces on top of you, despite the heavy weight on your back, you feel something bite down hard on your neck, causing you to let out a muffled moan as you instinctively lift your tail, all while the creature mounts you from behind and presses something smooth and slick against your rear, you feel it's heavy weights on top of you, pinning you on all fours with no possibility of getting away from your current situation.

The dragon places a paw on your back, forcing you downwards to the ground while keeping his other paw on your hips, making sure your rear is still propped up by your legs and exposed to him, which is when he moves his claws from your back and wraps it around both sides of your hips, making sure he has a firm grasp on you as he forces his member inside your anus with a harsh thrust, causing you to wince in pain, as you whine and close your eyes, he licks your neck with a soft growling, relishing in the feeling of your body around him as he begins to thrust slowly inside you, not wanting to break you so quickly while making sure you know he has full control over you in the moment.

You don't know how much time had gone by, at some point you had started moaning and even thrusting back against him, encouraging his member deeper into you, while your own member throbs, signaling how close you are to releasing, your moans become louder but so does your whimpering of pain as you feel his large knot penetrate your tight hole, your anus clenches tightly around it while he groans in pleasure as you feel his warm seed filling you up, he bites your neck again while groaning louder, as he takes in pleasure knowing you put little (if any) resistance against him.

You remain on all fours underneath the creature, you have yet to see what they are, all you know it's that he's big and is clearly enjoying using you for his pleasure as your member remains twitching between your legs, practically begging for release, you then move your paws to try to stroke it, which causes him to sink his teeth in your neck, as he uses a claw to pin your paws to the ground, aware of your intentions and making sure you can't pleasure yourself as your mind starts to go crazy with the need to release yourself, only to then be denied by the creature on top of you.

After a while, he pulls out of you, his now soft member grazing every part of your rear, making sure you feel it as it pulls out of you, leaving your anus gaping and leaking with his seed, a clear sign that he has marked you as his mate. You then pass out from the exhaustion, unaware of the night sky surrounding the area as the dragon smirks at you, knowing your completely at his mercy...

You don't know how long it's been, for all you know, you could've been here for years, living in the well maintained building with your dragon master and submitting to his every need, your constantly on all fours, taking his member and every last drop of his seed, as he makes sure to keep you on the edge of release, you don't know how long you've been like this, but you honestly wouldn't really care about it, for as long as your being used and filled by your master, your content, the only thoughts in your mind are telling you how much you love being used as a toy by your Master, how much you crave to be filled with his seed and be left begging for more, you have no other thoughts as you've forgotten everything else you had before your master had taken control over you, but you know one thing, you will spend the rest of your life submitting to your Master, being used as nothing more than his toy, knowing your powerless over him while fully accepting your place under him, and you know you will enjoy every last second of it.

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