directed by pseudochmod
From DA


I thought of this thing a while back and I couldn't realy get it to work, so here's this. Also if anyone thinks this looks a little different than my other stuff, that's because I made this without a GPU. I grabbed an old Optiplex 5050 out of the junk at my college and chucked some RAM in I had lying around, threw in an old drive from when I first experimented with SD before I got my GPU and reinstalled a fresh copy of the webui. With a lot of tuning I was able to get an image of this size at 20 steps in a bit under 8 minutes on an i7-7700, which sounds annoying until you consider that a certain deviant, who's tastes deviate from the norm, on the website deviantart, where the art is of a deviant nature, has been collecting and tuning prompts for some time and can just chuck things in and get good results. I let it run all night and got a bunch of good stuff, just not the best hybrids; obviously this is just the prompt from Typh Wife I uploaded last night but with more protogen-y bits and a lot of fingercrossing in my sleep. Now I have a dedicated machine for making more thicc protogens, LETS FREAKING GOOOOOOO!!!

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