Topic: [Feature] Replace your own posts without punishment

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

It's so easy to overlook flaws in AI gens. The reduced upload limit for removed posts may work well on e621, but here it is only discouraging directors from improving their creations and leave flaws and errors uncorrected once uploaded.

It's easy to get approved here. Just generate more images.

If you are replacing more than 40% of your images, then your upload limit will creep down. It's not going to be a problem for most directors.

lance_armstrong said:
It's easy to get approved here. Just generate more images.

If you are replacing more than 40% of your images, then your upload limit will creep down. It's not going to be a problem for most directors.

I still don't see the point in punishing someone for uploading an improved version of their own picture.

People on e621 usually don't post their own stuff. When posts get removed, it's probably because they are redundant or violating some rule. It makes sense to encourage people to think carefully what they post.

But here, everyone is posting their own gens. And it's a completely different thing whether you want to replace a post with a better version or if you carelessly post duplicates or otherwise inappropriate material.

You should really consider taking the reason for removal into account when dealing out upload restrictions.

Not gonna fix the extra whiskers on my first upload now, because it's not worth the penalty...

Just in general I'm strongly in favor of a better replacement system. I've done a couple replacements so far and since it takes mod intervention it took over 2 weeks for the old posts to get taken down. Wish I could just handle this myself, because it's true what you say - it's easy to miss errors no matter how much it seems I scan for 'em.

rantas said:
People on e621 usually don't post their own stuff. When posts get removed, it's probably because they are redundant or violating some rule. It makes sense to encourage people to think carefully what they post.

e621 isn't immune from that problem. There're a lot of cases of artists ragequitting, quality rules changing and other reasons which are impossible to predict at the time of posting on e621. It's totally possible to get punished for perfectly correct behavior many years after uploading. Afaik, the suggested solution is to contact the mods if your limits go into negative numbers for no apparent reason.

lance_armstrong said:
It's easy to get approved here. Just generate more images.

If you are replacing more than 40% of your images, then your upload limit will creep down. It's not going to be a problem for most directors.

Generating lot of pictures with same propt to get what you have in mind and when you got it, you post it. I think is bad postin a lot of similar pictures.

lerrmot said:
Generating lot of pictures with same propt to get what you have in mind and when you got it, you post it. I think is bad postin a lot of similar pictures.

Some people here are really good at that. Their upload limit must be in the hundreds by now...

To be honest, I don't care much anymore personally. The system is terrible and I leave a lot of minor flaws unfixed after uploading because of it, but, if you're not posting mass-produced, fawlty and repetitive gens (like said people), then you hardly need a higher limit.
At least I never reached mine.

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