Topic: Bug Reports

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests


Former Staff

This is the place to report any bugs you might experience.
We appreciate any input you might have.

If possible, please include the following:

  • Pages where you experience the issue
  • Error code, if available
  • Steps to reproduce the issue
  • Expected result of the steps above
  • Actual results
  • Any further notes on the matter


Searching id:2220 sergalbutt shows zero results for some reason, even though sergalbutt is tagged on post #2220.
I should also mention a search for sergalbutt doesn't show the post in the search.
I did add the tag to the post after the upload (and possibly after it was approved) if that's a thing that affects it.
Unsure if other posts are affected similarly, I've only noticed it on my own.

After the update yesterday, the tag-autocomplete in the search bar seems to have stopped working.
It also does not work in the search dialogs when uploading new images.

Pages where you experience the issue
-> Main page

Steps to reproduce the issue
-> Write something in the search bar

Expected result of the steps above
-> Suggestions for search tags should pop up

Actual results
-> No suggestions/ autocomplete

Any further notes on the matter
-> Replicated with MS Edge/Brave/Chrome

purrfectlyai said:
After the update yesterday, the tag-autocomplete in the search bar seems to have stopped working.
It also does not work in the search dialogs when uploading new images.

Pages where you experience the issue
-> Main page

Steps to reproduce the issue
-> Write something in the search bar

Expected result of the steps above
-> Suggestions for search tags should pop up

Actual results
-> No suggestions/ autocomplete

Any further notes on the matter
-> Replicated with MS Edge/Brave/Chrome

Also does not appear to work on mobile or Firefox. Tag suggestions are missing any place where tags are used (search, upload, post edit, etc.)

I discovered a problem/bug with the tags, if you use ( ) in a tag, it will not show the images. The following message will appear "Nobody here but us chickens!"
pokemon_(species), kazzypoof_(character), gem_(director), sywu_(artist)


Searching for "low-angle_view" fails, presumably because the - removes the later part of the tag. But this is the main tag that everything aliases to.
t-shirt is the same. close-up, full-length_portrait too. I've yet to find a single tag that works when it has a minus in it.

submit button when editing tags moves with the page as I scroll. Hard to click seems to only work when the button is over a text entry field.
On chromebook, using firefox.

salemcripple said:
Fav button just returns an "undefined" error.

I also just ran into this issue. Favorited one post, no problem; tried to favorite another a minute later, no dice. Can't favorite (or unfavorite) anything now.

Not sure if this is because e6AI was down a few moments ago, but whenever I add an artwork to my set, I can’t see it there.

One bug I’ve noticed is that some of my uploads have been approved, but they still show up under pending. It seems to be purely visual though, since the upload limit seems to be updating properly.

"ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid - Validation failed: File ext image/webp is invalid (only jpg, png, gif, and webm files are allowed)"

did someone typo webp as webm?

dakka said:
"ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid - Validation failed: File ext image/webp is invalid (only jpg, png, gif, and webm files are allowed)"

did someone typo webp as webm?

No, webp is a completely separate format from webm.

So, same bug as e621, not sure if it was fixed here yet-
- All thumbnails are being squished together/overlapping on mobile version of posts.

It seems to have since been fixed on e621.

3rfl said:
So, same bug as e621, not sure if it was fixed here yet-
- All thumbnails are being squished together/overlapping on mobile version of posts.

It seems to have since been fixed on e621.

I mostly use PC, but I'll look into it and see if I can find the issue.

UPDATE: I may have fixed the problem, lemme know if you continue to experience any issues.


angry_puppy said:
I mostly use PC, but I'll look into it and see if I can find the issue.

UPDATE: I may have fixed the problem, lemme know if you continue to experience any issues.

So I tried an alternative browser (DuckGoDuck) to the default for Galaxy devices (Samsung Internet) & it loaded correctly on there; I dumped Samsung Internet's data & cache to try and force a reload/invalidation of the site but it seems to have stuck at least locally - so if an invalidation was pushed from the dev-side it may just take a while for the Samsung Internet to catch up with the fix as the cell/router data is dumped ~ weee Internet.

~ thanks for having a go at it Angry Puppy

angry_puppy said:
I mostly use PC, but I'll look into it and see if I can find the issue.

UPDATE: I may have fixed the problem, lemme know if you continue to experience any issues.

Issue seems to persist on Samsung Internet & has resurfaced as an issue on DuckGoDuck Internet browser, e621 is still correct/functional without the spacing glitch 🤔

3rfl said:
Issue seems to persist on Samsung Internet & has resurfaced as an issue on DuckGoDuck Internet browser, e621 is still correct/functional without the spacing glitch 🤔

Interesting, I went through the coding and didn't see anything outta place. Maybe it's an internal error just through Samsung? I will still double check for what might be causing it. Thanks for the heads up!

Update: The Bug that was affecting Mobile user's, Both android/IOS has been fixed momentarily. This Bug includes:

•Parent post not appearing correctly.

•Uploads not appearing when loading a page.

•Thumbnails overlapping or being "squished" together.

•The New UI not loading when logging in&out.

Please let me know if you continue to still experience these bugs!
-Angry Puppy

I can't comment on posts, it says my account is too new even though it's more than 7 days old (as it says in Help > Account)

unavailablebutnot said:
I can't comment on posts, it says my account is too new even though it's more than 7 days old (as it says in Help > Account)

your account was made 4 days ago
it says "Join Date 2024-12-20 05:06" for me
so just wait a few more days

When trying to view my favourites, it just comes back with an error. Microsoft edge on iOS.

An unexpected error occurred.

Log ID: 03ab07ac-4c44-4ddf-995a-f5846ef928f2

Being inside any post page(example) while trying to search for something, the enter key just makes a new line instead of doing the search

The posts page is unaffected by this

Depending on the Length of the comment(I believe) the avatar profile on the top right corner gets duplicated when hitting to preview your comment
I don't know where else to test this other than here

And happened to me while writing topic #372

Edit: while testing here not only gets duplicated but it can keep getting added exponentially when hitting preview
Not sure why and how and why again but seems to be the case

Edit 2: figured out it happens if i edit the comment and hitting preview again

Opening wikis seems to be broken as it gives an error
Not sure if its just my end and i wonder if someone can back me up on that

Edit: I appear to be right as only Wikis are done on this

Pages that of tags who doesnt have wikis yet are unnafected