Topic: Director Back-tagging

Posted under General


I've been genning since the heyday of SD1.5 and 99% of my gens were posted in anonymous spaces. A few people sometimes upload my gens (namely ones involving my OC Mila Minx) to e6ai, and most of them end up under the unknown/anonymous director tag if there is a director tagged at all. At the urging of some friends, I've started to make my presence as a director more official by making a Twitter/X account a few months back and uploading finished gens there. I'm planning on posting on e6ai going forward, and I wanted to know if I should comb through directorless gens and tag myself in the ones that I made. Any advice on the topic would be great.


Since you've started posting here officially (welcome btw!), then I'd say it's definitely worth to tag your other gens for ease of search.
Shouldn't take that long at least for your mila_minx character tag, as you can go through it via gallery Edit Mode by just adding director tag on each, no need to load separate image pages for that.

Theres a set that has plenty of such gens inside of it, so it should be easier for you to comb through it and find the gens you yourself made

Thanks for the input! I just wanted to be sure that back tagging wouldn't be some sort of faux pas. I'll get to work then.

Looks like my ability to make changes has been locked. I probably should have expected that, with so many old gens to get through. To any mods or admins looking, I promise I am who I say I am, and I do have the vast majority of old gens stored away as proof, but finding them might take awhile.

verbotenvertex said:
Looks like my ability to make changes has been locked. I probably should have expected that, with so many old gens to get through. To any mods or admins looking, I promise I am who I say I am, and I do have the vast majority of old gens stored away as proof, but finding them might take awhile.

Wait an hour, you can only do so many tag edits per...

verbotenvertex said:
Looks like my ability to make changes has been locked. I probably should have expected that, with so many old gens to get through. To any mods or admins looking, I promise I am who I say I am, and I do have the vast majority of old gens stored away as proof, but finding them might take awhile.

I've added your director tag to some of the older posts in that set. You can search for set:style_mila_engine -verbotenvertex to see if there's still any left from you

Thank you guys for all the help! I've been combing through my old gens for the last few days to get which ones are mine straight. I see a few of them that aren't mine tagged as me, so I'll get those corrected.