Topic: image deleted for "poor use of upscaling"

Posted under General

despite the fact that no upscaling was used at all. the image was generated at that resolution.

so you're calling me a liar? why would I even lie about such a thing?

eyetest said:
so you're calling me a liar? why would I even lie about such a thing?

One thing to be aware of is that pretty aggressively downscales images hosted on it -- as do many other image services like imgur. It's always best to upload the original file directly from your machine to e6ai without any middleman, just in case that's what has happened here.

bahufaru said:
One thing to be aware of is that pretty aggressively downscales images hosted on it -- as do many other image services like imgur. It's always best to upload the original file directly from your machine to e6ai without any middleman, just in case that's what has happened here.

that's his reupload, not the original file. it's been cropped.
I'm assuming that his so-called "proof" is that the eyes are a little off...? (emphasis on little) something which happens all the time in AI art, even in ones that have been approved on this site.
I can upload the original somewhere else if you want to see the metadata with my prompt as proof that it actually was generated at that resolution. I can also fix the eyes in Photoshop if that's what got it rejected.

eyetest said:
that's his reupload, not the original file. it's been cropped.
I'm assuming that his so-called "proof" is that the eyes are a little off...? (emphasis on little) something which happens all the time in AI art, even in ones that have been approved on this site.
I can upload the original somewhere else if you want to see the metadata with my prompt as proof that it actually was generated at that resolution. I can also fix the eyes in Photoshop if that's what got it rejected.

This image is clearly upscaled, and you can easily spot the upscaling artifacts. Please verify if the Hires fix isn't turned on.

If you’re planning to edit it manually, focus not just on the eyes but also on her mouth, the area beneath it, her nose, and how her hair blends into the chest fur and shoulder strap. She’s also missing a second shoulder strap on the opposite side. On top of that, her fingers are mismatched, and her breasts and piercings are clipping through the bra and merging strangely with it.

Don't know about fake upscale since I can see only downscaled version, but face looks really too weird to approve it anyway.

denatural said:
This image is clearly upscaled, and you can easily spot the upscaling artifacts. Please verify if the Hires fix isn't turned on.

If you’re planning to edit it manually, focus not just on the eyes but also on her mouth, the area beneath it, her nose, and how her hair blends into the chest fur and shoulder strap. She’s also missing a second shoulder strap on the opposite side. On top of that, her fingers are mismatched, and her breasts and piercings are clipping through the bra and merging strangely with it.

so basically yes, you are calling me a liar.
I never use Hires fix, so I'm 100% certain it wasn't turned on.
also, the otter in the pic is a male with hyper pecs, and was tagged as such. I thought that was pretty obvious, so clearly you have poor perception. I don't think I want to bother fixing a few minor flaws just to please you.

for anybody who's curious about what the full image looks like, I uploaded it here (cw: hyper):

eyetest said:
so basically yes, you are calling me a liar.
I never use Hires fix, so I'm 100% certain it wasn't turned on.
also, the otter in the pic is a male with hyper pecs, and was tagged as such. I thought that was pretty obvious, so clearly you have poor perception. I don't think I want to bother fixing a few minor flaws just to please you.

for anybody who's curious about what the full image looks like, I uploaded it here (cw: hyper):

Hello friend!

If you don't have the time or inclination to even attempt cleaning up clearly visible errors like uneven finger count between hands then perhaps reconsider if that image is worth posting at all. E6ai is not intended to be an archive where you can store every raw gen created but a curated collection of images that meet a certain bar of quality.
This isn't a "only perfect results" standard, but rather a "threshold of effort" standard. Take the five minutes to fix missing fingers, janky eyes and other anomalies before uploading.

jelloponies said:
Hello friend!

If you don't have the time or inclination to even attempt cleaning up clearly visible errors like uneven finger count between hands then perhaps reconsider if that image is worth posting at all. E6ai is not intended to be an archive where you can store every raw gen created but a curated collection of images that meet a certain bar of quality.
This isn't a "only perfect results" standard, but rather a "threshold of effort" standard. Take the five minutes to fix missing fingers, janky eyes and other anomalies before uploading.

please don't assume that I'm uploading every single image I've generated without first thinking about whether or not it's good enough to share. I never assumed that this pic in particular was perfect or didn't need fixing, but I was hoping that the flaws were minor enough that they could be overlooked compared to what's good about it. especially since many images that are uploaded here, even ones that have been approved recently, have similar minor flaws as well. I suppose maybe there were more than usual in this instance, and I would be more willing to edit it if your janitor's behavior hadn't been so provocative. I don't want to give him the satisfaction.

I don't appreciate your passive-aggressive tone either, btw

yetanotheraiuser said:
Don't know about fake upscale since I can see only downscaled version, but face looks really too weird to approve it anyway.

This is a cropped version of the original, and it's the GAN upscale that makes it look so strange. If you would reduce it's size to 1/3, like this:
it would look much better. However, that would fall below the minimum upload resolution we allow.

denatural said:
This is a cropped version of the original, and it's the GAN upscale that makes it look so strange. If you would reduce it's size to 1/3, like this:
it would look much better. However, that would fall below the minimum upload resolution we allow.

holy crap, you're a stubborn ass. again, it is NOT an upscale, and nothing you say will change that fact.

gonna leave this dumb conversation, I really have nothing to else to add