Topic: Really?

Posted under General

So I've never uploaded here and only recently got into it yesterday and I have to say this is crazy. I have uploaded four pictures, three of which have been removed. Two were for "Suggestive/Explicit Young Content" and one for not meeting artistic standards. For reference, these are the posts:

The "Young" posts:

The artistic standard:

Here are my issues. First, 83850 is about Gnar from League of Legends. This one I can MAYBE understand, but this is a stretch of logic that's, respectfully, so stupid as fuck. In his lore, he's not ever referenced as a minor. It has mentioned young, but never a minor. Minor ≠ young. You can still be young while of age. However, this one fine. My issue is the second.

It's a growlithe. A sleeping growlithe. A feral sleeping growlithe. A Canon, sleeping growlithe. That is all. There is nothing else. A growlithe is not tall, yet this is labeled as young? Are you actually serious? You're telling me my post is depicting a young character when it is VERY obviously not? At the same time, there's stuff posted that is way more minor-looking in terms of growlithe on here. I messaged Angry Puppy to ask why I had something removed (the growlithe post) then went to bed. At this time, I had two posts in "Hot" tab, which leads me to my third issue.

When I messaged to ask, I had my third post up there. It was a feral, main coone. It was no issue the entire time until I messaged him. Suddenly, it's not up to artistic standards? I am literally looking at it right now and I cannot find a single thing wrong with it. There are no extra limbs, it's not low quality, nothing. You're telling me, from what I can find, that is low quality because the fur, which is white in some spots, is sticking up? That's the only thing I can find one would have an issue with. I genuinely cannot find a single thing wrong with it. How can I be told it's not up to quality but not HOW it's not? What exactly is wrong with it? How can we fix something that we don't see as broken?

I saw someone post to not even bother with posting here because the janitor's have a power trip mentality, but I brushed it off because I thought they were exaggerating. I was wrong. It's hypocritical a janitor wants to remove my VERY (minus the first) obviously not minor growlithe post but then have SIX OF HIS OWN POSTS REMOVED FOR ACTUAL CUB. Like what? How can someone be in charge of keeping that stuff off the site while being the problem himself? Even more, you're just outright removing pictures of Pokémon because the character is canonically small? Really? You're telling me entire species just aren't allowed here?

Actually crazy what's going on here. I love that my third post, the artistic one, was not an issue up until I message my issue to Angry Puppy, then suddenly it's an issue. The other 20 people who favorited didn't see it as low quality, yet you are the only one to? Wild. Power trip shit is actually real.

fluffyaf said:
So I've never uploaded here and only recently got into it yesterday and I have to say this is crazy. I have uploaded four pictures, three of which have been removed. Two were for "Suggestive/Explicit Young Content" and one for not meeting artistic standards. For reference, these are the posts:

The "Young" posts:

The artistic standard:

Here are my issues. First, 83850 is about Gnar from League of Legends. This one I can MAYBE understand, but this is a stretch of logic that's, respectfully, so stupid as fuck. In his lore, he's not ever referenced as a minor. It has mentioned young, but never a minor. Minor ≠ young. You can still be young while of age. However, this one fine. My issue is the second.

It's a growlithe. A sleeping growlithe. A feral sleeping growlithe. A Canon, sleeping growlithe. That is all. There is nothing else. A growlithe is not tall, yet this is labeled as young? Are you actually serious? You're telling me my post is depicting a young character when it is VERY obviously not? At the same time, there's stuff posted that is way more minor-looking in terms of growlithe on here. I messaged Angry Puppy to ask why I had something removed (the growlithe post) then went to bed. At this time, I had two posts in "Hot" tab, which leads me to my third issue.

When I messaged to ask, I had my third post up there. It was a feral, main coone. It was no issue the entire time until I messaged him. Suddenly, it's not up to artistic standards? I am literally looking at it right now and I cannot find a single thing wrong with it. There are no extra limbs, it's not low quality, nothing. You're telling me, from what I can find, that is low quality because the fur, which is white in some spots, is sticking up? That's the only thing I can find one would have an issue with. I genuinely cannot find a single thing wrong with it. How can I be told it's not up to quality but not HOW it's not? What exactly is wrong with it? How can we fix something that we don't see as broken?

I saw someone post to not even bother with posting here because the janitor's have a power trip mentality, but I brushed it off because I thought they were exaggerating. I was wrong. It's hypocritical a janitor wants to remove my VERY (minus the first) obviously not minor growlithe post but then have SIX OF HIS OWN POSTS REMOVED FOR ACTUAL CUB. Like what? How can someone be in charge of keeping that stuff off the site while being the problem himself? Even more, you're just outright removing pictures of Pokémon because the character is canonically small? Really? You're telling me entire species just aren't allowed here?

Actually crazy what's going on here. I love that my third post, the artistic one, was not an issue up until I message my issue to Angry Puppy, then suddenly it's an issue. The other 20 people who favorited didn't see it as low quality, yet you are the only one to? Wild. Power trip shit is actually real.

eh.... first time?

A couple things tho, firstly the one that was taken down for quality standard had not been approved YET by any janitors, they probably saw it and decided to review it after noticing that it exist.
That being said I also can't see anything wrong with your main Coon, after looking at it closely I thought it might have been cuz of the eye on the left but it's just closed so idk..
Also I completely agree, ferals should NOT be reviewed with the same standard as anthro/humanoid regarding the "looking young" rule.
And finally it's sad cuz this is probably the only place with that kind of visibility where you can post furry ai but don't bother posting anything in the range of goblins/yordles/small anthro/ or even "pokemon like" here anymore,even if it is canonically 18+ it's gonna get nuked.
I thankfully managed to get one of my piece returned to the gallery but I really don't wanna plead with the moderators everytime it might happen in the future...

meara said:
eh.... first time?

A couple things tho, firstly the one that was taken down for quality standard had not been approved YET by any janitors, they probably saw it and decided to review it after noticing that it exist.
That being said I also can't see anything wrong with your main Coon, after looking at it closely I thought it might have been cuz of the eye on the left but it's just closed so idk..
Also I completely agree, ferals should NOT be reviewed with the same standard as anthro/humanoid regarding the "looking young" rule.
And finally it's sad cuz this is probably the only place with that kind of visibility where you can post furry ai but don't bother posting anything in the range of goblins/yordles/small anthro/ or even "pokemon like" here anymore,even if it is canonically 18+ it's gonna get nuked.
I thankfully managed to get one of my piece returned to the gallery but I really don't wanna plead with the moderators everytime it might happen in the future...

Yeah, I wouldn't mind so much if I got an explanation of what was wrong. The mindset of "Small body = cub\young" is why there's so much hate towards the furry fandom. It's a weak argument entirely and makes those who like that art style, again NOT cub, feel ostracized and bad about themselves, as if people didn't already struggle with liking furry porn. I've struggled with coming to terms about liking NSFW Furry stuff since I can remember and yet I'm punished for it by being told my favorite style(s) are wrong. Meanwhile I go to somewhere like X or BlueSky and I'm instantly getting others to comment about enjoying my stuff.

I guess what really bugs me is that I'm just completely left in the dark about what's wrong with my main coone picture. Was it the eye being closed? Was it the coloring because she's got white fur and it makes it look poorly colored? I have no idea. Why am I forced to have AI generate art in a style I don't like? I don't want to gen stuff that has massive tits or a four foot cock or muscles that make the character look unnatural, yet I'm being forced to. Fuck that noise. When I want to make this stuff, it's to help me come to terms with what I like, and sharing it gives me the hope it helps others. Instead, I'm punished for it. Makes no sense to me. When I get a response on this nonsense I will NOT be posting here anymore. I'll stick to places where I'm not thrown aside for one pixel being off.

fluffyaf said:
Yeah, I wouldn't mind so much if I got an explanation of what was wrong. The mindset of "Small body = cub\young" is why there's so much hate towards the furry fandom. It's a weak argument entirely and makes those who like that art style, again NOT cub, feel ostracized and bad about themselves, as if people didn't already struggle with liking furry porn. I've struggled with coming to terms about liking NSFW Furry stuff since I can remember and yet I'm punished for it by being told my favorite style(s) are wrong. Meanwhile I go to somewhere like X or BlueSky and I'm instantly getting others to comment about enjoying my stuff.

I guess what really bugs me is that I'm just completely left in the dark about what's wrong with my main coone picture. Was it the eye being closed? Was it the coloring because she's got white fur and it makes it look poorly colored? I have no idea. Why am I forced to have AI generate art in a style I don't like? I don't want to gen stuff that has massive tits or a four foot cock or muscles that make the character look unnatural, yet I'm being forced to. Fuck that noise. When I want to make this stuff, it's to help me come to terms with what I like, and sharing it gives me the hope it helps others. Instead, I'm punished for it. Makes no sense to me. When I get a response on this nonsense I will NOT be posting here anymore. I'll stick to places where I'm not thrown aside for one pixel being off.

As I previously stated to BOTH of you. Your post simply doesn't meet the minimum quality standards. Anything remotely cub-like will vary likely be deleted, No Exceptions

Considering your new here, cub content was allowed to some extent but as of recently (about a few months ago) anything depicting a young-appearing character in any explicit situations will be deleted, including some of my previous posts.

As for your "Coone" picture. The eye had Deformities, it had to be removed for such low quality and trivial editing. I have deleted your post for such reasons, and I will do so again if you continue to upload trivial post with little to no regards in the quality.

-Angry Puppy

You have once again completely ignored my entire message. There is nothing cub about a sleeping pokemon. The fact you even look at it and the first thing you see is cub says something about you, not me. Not one other person who's seen it has said it's cub. Not a single one. Nobody commented and said it was cub. You're telling me I have to live in fear of my post getting removed because of what one person perceives as cub? Meanwhile you've had SIX removed for it? How can you moderate something that YOU can't follow yourself? Definition of hypocrisy right there.

And where exactly is there a deformity? Her one eye is squinting, the other is closed. I am literally looking it right now and I see nothing of the sort. You're telling me you just sit there, max the picture size, and look for something as miniscule as that? Because there's way more things you should be removing than one with a closed eyes. It was a genuine, petty removal.

What gets me is there's an issue with a character being small but we can post real life animals getting dicked down and fucked and that's entirely okay. Genuine bestiality and that's okay, but once we post a picture of a cartoon cat with a "bad eye" it's wrong. This site is fucked if that's how this is.

fluffyaf said:
You have once again completely ignored my entire message. There is nothing cub about a sleeping pokemon. The fact you even look at it and the first thing you see is cub says something about you, not me. Not one other person who's seen it has said it's cub. Not a single one. Nobody commented and said it was cub. You're telling me I have to live in fear of my post getting removed because of what one person perceives as cub? Meanwhile you've had SIX removed for it? How can you moderate something that YOU can't follow yourself? Definition of hypocrisy right there.

And where exactly is there a deformity? Her one eye is squinting, the other is closed. I am literally looking it right now and I see nothing of the sort. You're telling me you just sit there, max the picture size, and look for something as miniscule as that? Because there's way more things you should be removing than one with a closed eyes. It was a genuine, petty removal.

What gets me is there's an issue with a character being small but we can post real life animals getting dicked down and fucked and that's entirely okay. Genuine bestiality and that's okay, but once we post a picture of a cartoon cat with a "bad eye" it's wrong. This site is fucked if that's how this is.

I understand your frustration, but clearly your in the wrong here. I have discussed this with a higher up and he agrees that your post didn't meet the minimum quality standards for being cub related.

You don't see me complaining about my post being removed for such reasons, as stated previously, again, those post were uploaded before the young rule went into full effect. It's not a big deal.

I'm telling you that if you stick to the Uploading Guidelines then you wouldn't have to worry about your post being removed. That's entirely on you, not me.

In other words, your post was cub related and it was deleted, Simple.

Taking a look back at your previously approved post, I noticed a Morphed Paw that I must've overlooked.

angry_puppy said:
I understand your frustration, but clearly your in the wrong here. I have discussed this with a higher up and he agrees that your post didn't meet the minimum quality standards for being cub related.

You don't see me complaining about my post being removed for such reasons, as stated previously, again, those post were uploaded before the young rule went into full effect. It's not a big deal.

I'm telling you that if you stick to the Uploading Guidelines then you wouldn't have to worry about your post being removed. That's entirely on you, not me.

In other words, your post was cub related and it was deleted, Simple.

Taking a look back at your previously approved post, I noticed a Morphed Paw that I must've overlooked.

Ah, yes, the petty deletion again XD Live up to your name, I guess. You expect perfection from an imperfect thing, and that's the issue. If I post something extremely, visibly wrong, I expect to be called out, but for you to sit nitpick about an eye (that you're still wrong on but okay) shows a lot about you. You can't say you understand one's frustration when you don't listen.

Glad you're a janitor who lets this in which very obviously is cub, but a sleeping feral pokemon is what sets off that trigger. You guys are so fucking hypocritical it's insane. At first I was salty and frustrated, but now I'm in awe. I wish I could be this blind and I really wish others weren't as blind to what this site is run like. Wild E621 can get away with cub but here it's the worst thing in the world, so much so that something that has a small body is auto-tagged as cub and gets deleted while things that are literally cub are okay. But hey, you're the Janitor, and what you say, goes, right?

Thank you as well for saying my post was cub when it's not. But hey, the Janitor is always right and nobody can tell you otherwise. That is simple.

Oh I want to also say again, thanks for the petty deletion. Hope being Janitor here is not the highlight of your day. Good luck.