Topic: Requesting Quality Leniancy On Vids/Animations

Posted under General

I was disappointed to see several animated otters nuked from orbit this morning.

Is immaculate video generation (of erotic furry content) even possible yet? 10 seconds of anatomical perfection without one single solitary nitpickable flaw? Surely we can lower the bar just a hair. These animations were some of the most incredible things I've seen out of AI yet.

mike_from_canmore said:
I was disappointed to see several animated otters nuked from orbit this morning.

Is immaculate video generation (of erotic furry content) even possible yet? 10 seconds of anatomical perfection without one single solitary nitpickable flaw? Surely we can lower the bar just a hair. These animations were some of the most incredible things I've seen out of AI yet.


The reason why I removed those post was because there were several Anatomical anomalies within those post. Such as Morphed limbs, hands, and feet which simply doesn't meet the minimum quality standards.

mike_from_canmore said:
Is immaculate video generation (of erotic furry content) even possible yet? [...]

Yes, it is possible. But with local video gen it’s extremely difficult.
However with KlingAI there is a realistic chance to generate a video of 5 or even 10 seconds that’s almost flawless – without morphing hands or the other cursed effects.
But the downside is you either buy a membership or you have to wait forever until your gen is finally finished. (Today I already waited for 10 hours, but it still says more than 3 hours left...)
And also it’s censored, but there are a few loopholes in the censorship algorithm...

angry_puppy said:

The reason why I removed those post was because there were several Anatomical anomalies within those post. Such as Morphed limbs, hands, and feet which simply doesn't meet the minimum quality standards.

I understand that, they certainly weren't perfect. My point is that if we hold video to the same standard as still images, we won't see any video posts at all until the technology is better. I'd rather see some peculiarities than nothing.

It would be nice if the website had a recycle bin of content that was removed just on the base of quality. Then such submissions could still exist while you curate the rest of the collection carefully.

mike_from_canmore said:
I understand that, they certainly weren't perfect. My point is that if we hold video to the same standard as still images, we won't see any video posts at all until the technology is better. I'd rather see some peculiarities than nothing.

It would be nice if the website had a recycle bin of content that was removed just on the base of quality. Then such submissions could still exist while you curate the rest of the collection carefully.

That's actually not a bad idea, I'll keep that in mind. Although it is true that AI vids are still in early development, there have been a few good examples of AI making good quality video's too.

mike_from_canmore said:
I understand that, they certainly weren't perfect. My point is that if we hold video to the same standard as still images, we won't see any video posts at all until the technology is better. I'd rather see some peculiarities than nothing.

It would be nice if the website had a recycle bin of content that was removed just on the base of quality. Then such submissions could still exist while you curate the rest of the collection carefully.

Hello friend!

There is a lot more leniency when it comes to animations as we know the technology is currently in it's infancy.
Things that would not get a pass in a still image can still get a pass if it's in animation. This of course only goes to a certain point though.
Even when leniency is shown the bar for quality must be set somewhere and if the errors and inconsistencies in the animation are too great then it's likely to not get approved.

Yeah, if you don't want to change your quality standards, then I would like to see it resolved like on AIBooru, where "Deleted" posts are still visible, if you choose it in the settings.

tyto4tme4l said:
Yeah, if you don't want to change your quality standards, then I would like to see it resolved like on AIBooru, where "Deleted" posts are still visible, if you choose it in the settings.

That would be a really nice feature. I quite liked one of those 3 deleted otter animations, neglected to save it, and have no way to see it ever again. Just because a paw was blurry at one point.

jelloponies said:
Hello friend!

There is a lot more leniency when it comes to animations as we know the technology is currently in it's infancy.
Things that would not get a pass in a still image can still get a pass if it's in animation. This of course only goes to a certain point though.
Even when leniency is shown the bar for quality must be set somewhere and if the errors and inconsistencies in the animation are too great then it's likely to not get approved.

I appreciate your explanation and reply, thank you. There were 3 animations uploaded of the same character/scenario. I understand 100% why the first one was deleted, it glitched out in the middle. The second was mildly janky, I think the third was probably deleted just out of frustration, and should have remained. I believe the strict quality control runs the risk of punishing anyone who dares to try something new, and the site may become 60% the exact same dog butts and loona in the exact same pose and style since they consistently meet high quality standards.

mike_from_canmore said:
That would be a really nice feature. I quite liked one of those 3 deleted otter animations, neglected to save it, and have no way to see it ever again. Just because a paw was blurry at one point.

You liked them that much, huh 😅
They were taken from /aivg/ and they're still in the desuarchive among other experiments by anons. Just scroll down a bit

technical-grid said:
You liked them that much, huh 😅
They were taken from /aivg/ and they're still in the desuarchive among other experiments by anons. Just scroll down a bit

Thanks kindly! That about sorts me out. I should definitely go to a more casual site where imperfect creations are shared and tolerated since I am more than happy to see them.