Topic: Tag alias: masturbating -> masturbation

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #59321 masturbating -> masturbation is pending approval.

Reason: masturbating tag with 309 posts.

At e6ai: various tags that alias to masturbation:
fap, fapping, female_masturbation, feral_masturbation, jerk_off, masterbating, mastrubation, onanism, schlick, wank, and wanking.

short-version of below: e621 has other tags that alias to masturbation, but the only one currently a tag at e6ai is masturbating.

At e621: OTHERs tags that alias to masturbation (ie. not aliased at e6ai yet) (STRIKE-thru for tags not yet at e6ai):
clopping, jacking_off, jerking_off, masterbation, mastubating, mastubration, masturabation, masturabtion, masturbate, masturbating (309 posts), masturbating_while_kissing, masturbation_only, pawing, pawing_off, pleasuring_self, and self-pleasure

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