Topic: Halloween themed one deleted?

Posted under General

Ok... I had a mecha Sally Acorn animated one deleted. What was the purpose? It wasn't realistic enough in any sense and definitely wasn't cub. What was the purpose of the deletion?

penisfire said:
Ok... I had a mecha Sally Acorn animated one deleted. What was the purpose? It wasn't realistic enough in any sense and definitely wasn't cub. What was the purpose of the deletion?

The deletion reason should be visible when you open the deleted post but if you want a more detailed explanation maybe I could help.
Looking at it I see three toes on one foot, four on the other, tail transforms into different shapes, anus becomes not an anus at some point, her arm disconnects and then morphs back into shape, skeleton has three hands along with several more visual artifacts. Over all the quality just wasn't there.
I know AI animation is still in it's infancy and often leniency is shown towards animated art on the site but the bar has to be set somewhere.

jelloponies said:
The deletion reason should be visible when you open the deleted post but if you want a more detailed explanation maybe I could help.
Looking at it I see three toes on one foot, four on the other, tail transforms into different shapes, anus becomes not an anus at some point, her arm disconnects and then morphs back into shape, skeleton has three hands along with several more visual artifacts. Over all the quality just wasn't there.
I know AI animation is still in it's infancy and often leniency is shown towards animated art on the site but the bar has to be set somewhere.

That... doesn't sound like the best reason.
That's like a mod taking art off of e621 because they didn't think the quality was good enough... which never happens.
That's more of a downvote reason than a deletion reason. Granted I didn't notice the toe or the arm at first, a skeleton can have three hands for Halloween, there's no mandate on that..
But I would think that's the last thing people would be looking at anyway.

Speaking of Halloween, I posted another that was taken down. There was only one odd thing with that ai, and I thought personally it just made it weirder in a fun creepy way... Halloween and all.

penisfire said:
That... doesn't sound like the best reason.
That's like a mod taking art off of e621 because they didn't think the quality was good enough... which never happens.
That's more of a downvote reason than a deletion reason. Granted I didn't notice the toe or the arm at first, a skeleton can have three hands for Halloween, there's no mandate on that..
But I would think that's the last thing people would be looking at anyway.

Speaking of Halloween, I posted another that was taken down. There was only one odd thing with that ai, and I thought personally it just made it weirder in a fun creepy way... Halloween and all.

If you have a hard time understanding why your uploads were removed, you can check in the Uploading Guidelines. In this case, a good example would be:

•Only upload images that meet your highest quality standards. We want the best representation of your work, not placeholders intended for later fixes. Please complete any necessary edits before uploading.

•Limbs and other body parts should appear anatomically correct unless intentionally designed otherwise (e.g., amputees).

In other words, I would recommend only uploading images/vids of your best and/or highest quality.

penisfire said:
That... doesn't sound like the best reason.
That's like a mod taking art off of e621 because they didn't think the quality was good enough... which never happens.
That's more of a downvote reason than a deletion reason. Granted I didn't notice the toe or the arm at first, a skeleton can have three hands for Halloween, there's no mandate on that..
But I would think that's the last thing people would be looking at anyway.

Speaking of Halloween, I posted another that was taken down. There was only one odd thing with that ai, and I thought personally it just made it weirder in a fun creepy way... Halloween and all.

Furry Diffusion Discord server welcomes posts like these, you can find the link at the header of this page.

denatural said:
Furry Diffusion Discord server welcomes posts like these, you can find the link at the header of this page.

A few of the reasons were bs and I stand by that.
And Discord sucks.

penisfire said:
A few of the reasons were bs and I stand by that.
And Discord sucks.

I don't see how any of that is Bs. The rules were set along time ago, they don't change. Either chance the way you upload or don't upload at all. Otherwise, the site would be overwhelmed with low-quality, bad edited post. My props to the fellas keeping this site running the way it should!

Also discord doesn't suck lol



angry_puppy said:
The rules were set along time ago, they don't change

the rules actually changed quite recently, quality standards became much more strict.

blp said:
the rules actually changed quite recently, quality standards became much more strict.

I hinted at it before as I believe it's not intentional, but basically the rules as posted do not align with how the posts are being evaluated. To the point that it's an overstep to art police. It's probably well intentioned to make this a respectable site of quality work, but it places undefined rules on what qualifies. I think some reasonable guidelines can be established for quality traits, but my recommendation would be to focus on content restrictions.

I actually suggested this awhile ago as an add-on for automating the approvals ( and it might be worth bringing back up here. Would it be possible to implement a quality evaluation function that users can crowdsource and filter on? It's a little bit of work but the building blocks are there, and would resolve everyone's concerns I think. I think most of us would set the filter to remove the bottom of the posts, and those can serve as flags for cleanup later once enough time has been given for a fair evaluation.

<Excerpt from there.>

For quality control...
Tags or a score system could be added for quality to help crowd source identifying submissions that don't meet quality, and personally I'd like to just search using something like this.
- One category or score for level/style of realism
- One category or score for artifacts and quality issues

I wouldn't mind doing a quick score on the quality on a lot of what I look at if it was a simple system. Especially the ones I really like or don't like. Most would be in the middle, the 80% majority, would probably be unscored or neutral which would be fine in an approach like this.

Back to the rules... for example

•Only upload images that meet your highest quality standards. We want the best representation of your work, not placeholders intended for later fixes. Please complete any necessary edits before uploading.

This indicates a desire for the best work a person can produce within reason, and "your highest quality standard" means the posters, not the approver's. Basically asking folks to self-moderate which makes a lot of sense. This along with the first part of the next sentence "We want the best representation of your work" sets the tone for what should be uploaded, not the standard. In the the next sentence ",not placeholders intended for later fixes" along with the last sentence was added with the recent changes because of the high number of posts where an error was found, fixed and reuploaded later causing more work for the janitors. Understandable but would be a non-issue if the poster could replace the image without penalty. I know for myself I do review the images several ways, and still miss things until they are uploaded. Enough so that I wonder if my image viewer is doing something to them lol. As the creator we focus on what's important to us, and not every i dotted and t crossed. By the way I had that job for several years and it was one of the worst jobs I ever had. It takes a special kind of person to do that work, which isn't a bad thing. It's just not for everyone. I should add those people are very important and critical to many many things.

By the way blp & Jelloponies, thanks for the advice before. I've made some progress and it's working out well. That was clearly the way to go. Might not want to use that post but making a sticky with information like that would be amazing to everyone I think. It would be nice if we could add tips, tricks, and settings we use and such to so we can learn and improve from each other. That might help a lot of people out and help with some of the concerns.


More of my posts are being taken off with little to no reason. Getting old.
I tried clicking the supposed "discord" group link while just installing it and having an account logged in the browser, and it does not get me on this group you speak of. And searching "Furry Diffusion" in the program doesn't bring me to the group... which is highly backing up my claim that discord sucks. You can't just get on said group and join it, and enjoy it.

penisfire said:
More of my posts are being taken off with little to no reason. Getting old.
I tried clicking the supposed "discord" group link while just installing it and having an account logged in the browser, and it does not get me on this group you speak of. And searching "Furry Diffusion" in the program doesn't bring me to the group... which is highly backing up my claim that discord sucks. You can't just get on said group and join it, and enjoy it.

Your account needs to be at least 24 hours old before you can join the discord. Try again tomorrow.

As for post deletion the reason for the post being removed from the gallery should be visible to you.



penisfire said:
More of my posts are being taken off with little to no reason. Getting old.
I tried clicking the supposed "discord" group link while just installing it and having an account logged in the browser, and it does not get me on this group you speak of. And searching "Furry Diffusion" in the program doesn't bring me to the group... which is highly backing up my claim that discord sucks. You can't just get on said group and join it, and enjoy it.

if you're not sure how to what posts were deleted and why you can search for user:penisfire status:deleted.

As for post deletion the reason for the post being removed from the gallery should be visible to you.

user:penisfire status:deleted does not seem like the most common sense way for the average user to figure it out.
The paws were fine on the one mentioned, I even fixed it extensively in photoshop before uploading... I'm thinking Angry Puppy didn't like that his comment on it was massively downvoted.
And I don't know which one was considered "young" because I've never made such content. Crazy. Can't even see it anymore with that tag
EDIT: THAT was JUDY HOPPS. A larger version of her too... how is that even young?? some really weird bs going on here.

Your account needs to be at least 24 hours old before you can join the discord. Try again tomorrow.

The discord account is probably over a year old when I gave up on it last time for being an aggravating platform. So that's not it.


penisfire said:
user:penisfire status:deleted does not seem like the most common sense way for the average user to figure it out.
The paws were fine on the one mentioned, I even fixed it extensively in photoshop before uploading... I'm thinking Angry Puppy didn't like that his comment on it was massively downvoted.
And I don't know which one was considered "young" because I've never made such content. Crazy. Can't even see it anymore with that tag
EDIT: THAT was JUDY HOPPS. A larger version of her too... how is that even young?? some really weird bs going on here.

The discord account is probably over a year old when I gave up on it last time for being an aggravating platform. So that's not it.

If you go to your profile you can see that it says "Deleted" with a number next to it. Click the number to see all the posts and deletion reasons.

penisfire said:
user:penisfire status:deleted does not seem like the most common sense way for the average user to figure it out.
The paws were fine on the one mentioned, I even fixed it extensively in photoshop before uploading... I'm thinking Angry Puppy didn't like that his comment on it was massively downvoted.
And I don't know which one was considered "young" because I've never made such content. Crazy. Can't even see it anymore with that tag
EDIT: THAT was JUDY HOPPS. A larger version of her too... how is that even young?? some really weird bs going on here.

The discord account is probably over a year old when I gave up on it last time for being an aggravating platform. So that's not it.

A large majority of your deleted post are removed for not meeting the minimum quality standards, as well as other reasons. My comment receiving negative feedback has nothing to do with your post. I simply saw a mistake you made and flagged it.

angry_puppy said:
A large majority of your deleted post are removed for not meeting the minimum quality standards, as well as other reasons. My comment receiving negative feedback has nothing to do with your post. I simply saw a mistake you made and flagged it.

Other reasons such as "young", but not actually young.
Which part of the paw was so off that it called for deletion? The pad? So you're telling me if I fix that you'll leave it alone? It used to have twice as many claws on each hand until I manually fixed it. You want the bigger pad? Is that the sin that made the quality standard not worthy? Ok, I'll make it bigger... we're not doing taxes here, we're making weird random shit.


penisfire said:
Other reasons such as "young", but not actually young.
Which part of the paw was so off that it called for deletion? The pad? So you're telling me if I fix that you'll leave it alone? It used to have twice as many claws on each hand until I manually fixed it. You want the bigger pad? Is that the sin that made the quality standard not worthy? Ok, I'll make it bigger... we're not doing taxes here, we're making weird random shit.

I don't understand why your getting so upset about this. There were numerous reasons why that post was deleted. Simply put:
Ensure there are a correct number of paws on each hand/foot. (Including limbs morphing into each other.)
Ensure the quality of the image is clean with little to none generative errors.
Ensure there are no multiple_limbs/ears in the image.
If a image appears to "look" like it might be cub/young related in an explicit situation, it's probably best not to upload it.
In other words. As long as you keep your uploads within the uploading guidelines, I shouldn't have a reason to flag it.

angry_puppy said:
I don't understand why your getting so upset about this. There were numerous reasons why that post was deleted. Simply put:
Ensure there are a correct number of paws on each hand/foot. (Including limbs morphing into each other.)
Ensure the quality of the image is clean with little to none generative errors.
Ensure there are no multiple_limbs/ears in the image.
If a image appears to "look" like it might be cub/young related in an explicit situation, it's probably best not to upload it.
In other words. As long as you keep your uploads within the uploading guidelines, I shouldn't have a reason to flag it.

I would still love to know how Judy Hopps is "young", she may have a general chibi look to her original design... but it was a view from the back and there wasn't even a face to look "young", and the body was not young looking. The other was literally a muppet. The ear is referencing 1 frame in a video, not that image. Only one of my very first old images ever "morphed" into each other and I didn't notice that for some reason. And a few back then I would understand would be deleted. But some of the newer reasons have been weird and petty. I guess that's just my little rant to leave or take.