Topic: [Feature] Ability to see deleted posts that does not meet minimum quality standards

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Usual member that want to upload some content can train own feeling what exactly does not meet minimum quality standards by seeing deleted image with such reason.

yetanotheraiuser said:
Usual member that want to upload some content can train own feeling what exactly does not meet minimum quality standards by seeing deleted image with such reason.

being able to see "deleted posts that does not meet minimum quality standards" would have no change to being deleted in the first place
would just kinda make the post "hidden" so per say, staff members can still see the deleted posts tho

uploaders can still contact the one who had deleted the said posts and contest if it's actually reasonable or if it was a mistake, it's all up to who uploaded if they want to do it or not, if contest doesn't go to your favor but you still believe it was a mistake, you can take up to NotMeNotYou to take a look on the situation, staff's word is final but NMNY words are final final

i said before and will say again that uploaders should at least include a source or other places where the same media will be found