Topic: Can you join Furry Diffusion on discord?

Posted under General

I recently tried discord.
When I join that server and complete captcha you will got a complelty hidden server without any rights to watch any text canal.

technical-grid said:
I'm pretty sure that upon joining you were asked to select channel visibility?

Tried now. It works.

Yesterday I tried really hard to join it, but just happens nothing. Different web browsers, desktop and mobile application. On mobile application it just instantly kicks from that server without any warnings, but I can notice for a split second text channels before it kicks from server. May be it was some experiments from admins with access rights and I was "lucky" and accidentally fell into it moment.

yetanotheraiuser said:
Tried now. It works.

Yesterday I tried really hard to join it, but just happens nothing.

Hi, FD admin here - this may happen if your account is younger than 24 hours. Sorry, it has something to do with spam/troll prevention.