Horrified at the amount of art-theft happening at DeviantArt (so far i've only noticed ai-art being stolen at DA).
Posting this to e6ai because
1) hoping this will inspire others at e6ai TO
(a) sniff out other suspected art-thefts (ie. same art uploaded to another DA gallery, but later post doesn't credit original artist/director)
(b) maybe leave the original artist/director a message (in case the reposter actually bought/Adopted the art, but they simply forgot to credit the artist)
2) if an art-thief is noted here ... if a post at e6ai gets attributed to that art-thief, hopefully someone will figure out the correct director and correct tags of that e6ai post.
EXAMPLE: Notified ByteBrush at https://www.deviantart.com/bytebrush/art/Anthro-Krystal-from-Star-Fox-8-990050592 (published Oct 24, 2023):
Nov1: AfghanArtist75 published (same art): https://www.deviantart.com/afghanartist75/art/Ft1698765636898-991783456
(AfghanArtist75 has 4126 uploads in their All gallery , but i think all that art is stolen from other artists)
Nov9: PionixLLC published (same art): https://www.deviantart.com/pionixllc/art/d5c1ee492543f27bc50df88f110aa0fd74b07-993113535
(PionixLLC has 1110 uploads in their All gallery , some potentially stolen from https://www.tumblr.com/musculoduro ... according to https://www.tumbex.com/musculoduro.tumblr/posts ... but am exhausted and don't have energy to go through acrobatics to look at stuff hidden behind tumblr Mature filter)
alt-title (sung like Bad Boys song by Inner Circle): art-thieves, art-thieves, whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do when they come for... your-art