Topic: [APPROVED] BUR: helluva_boss

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2 is active.

create implication blitzo_(helluva_boss) (2) -> helluva_boss (1618)
create implication loona_(helluva_boss) (1499) -> helluva_boss (1618)
create implication octavia_(helluva_boss) (25) -> helluva_boss (1618)
create implication queen_bee-lzebub_(helluva_boss) (13) -> helluva_boss (1618)
create implication stella_(helluva_boss) (22) -> helluva_boss (1618)
create implication stolas_(helluva_boss) (37) -> helluva_boss (1618)
create implication vortex_(helluva_boss) (6) -> helluva_boss (1618)

Reason: Characters in helluva_boss (animated series). Currently no tags at e6ai imply to helluva_boss.
(edit: side-note: 118 posts tagged with loona_(helluva_boss), but only 39 posts tagged with helluva_boss.)

Current *(helluva_boss) tags at e6ai:
1 . . . blitzo_(helluva_boss)
118 . . . loona_(helluva_boss)
1 . . . octavia_(helluva_boss)
1 . . . queen_bee-lzebub_(helluva_boss)
6 . . . stella_(helluva_boss)
2 . . . stolas_(helluva_boss)

BUR of existing e6ai tags,
plus vortex_(helluva_boss) (because male hellhound, thus chance of interest approaching popularity of Loona)

(starting with short list of tags in BUR to keep BUR on simple side)

EDIT: The bulk update request #2 (forum #102) has been approved by @Dasadevil.

Updated by auto moderator

putting text below in reply to reduce clutter in above BUR:

Going through other helluva_boss characters (names from list of e621 tags below):
1) e6ai has no barbie* tags (but she is sister of protagonist, so may show up at e6ai)
2) e6ai also has NO tags for the other charaters at e621 (cletus*, collin*, deerie*, fizza*, keenie*, millie*, moxxie*, *mayberry*, *robo*fizz*, sallie*, striker*, travis*, verosika*, nor vortex* tags).

(Sometimes abbreviating Helluva Boss to HB. And sometimes abbreviate character to char.)
(I haven't watched much Helluva Boss so getting info from e621 wiki and

List of e621 tags:

At e621, we have various tags that imply to helluva_boss (link to e621 wiki pages with example image, otherwise link to HH/HB wiki): (sorted A to Z){intros paraphrased from e621}
barbie_(helluva_boss) {a red-bodied imp, sister of blitzo},
blitzo_(helluva_boss) {protagonist. jester-like imp.}, [already e6ai tag]
cletus_(helluva_boss) (hazbinhotel wiki ): {cherub},
collin_(helluva_boss) {sheep cherub} ,
deerie_(helluva_boss) (hazbinhotel wiki ){deer cherub},
fizzarolli_(helluva_boss) {"demon that has the appearance of a jester"},
keenie_(helluva_boss) {sheep cherub} ,
loona_(helluva_boss) {hellhound)(apparently most popular HB character: most tagged HB char at e6ai with 118 posts, most tagged HB char at e621 with 13,730 posts) [already e6ai tag]
millie_(helluva_boss) {red skin demon. "one of the four main characters in" HB.}
moxxie_(helluva_boss) {red skin demon. "one of the four main characters in" HB.}
mrs.mayberry_(helluva_boss) (hazbinhotel wiki ){sinner demon}
octavia_(helluva_boss) {adolescent avian demon, daughter of Stolas} [already e6ai tag] ,
queen_bee-lzebub_(helluva_boss) (hazbinhotel wiki ){fox/insect-like demon}[with FABulous hair] [already e6ai tag] ,
robo_fizzarolli, (hazbinhotel wiki ){robotic version of Fizzarolli}
sallie_may_(helluva_boss) {imp demon. Millie's younger sister.} ,
stella_(helluva_boss) {white avian demon, Stolas's abusive ex-wife}[already e6ai tag] ,
stolas_(helluva_boss) {owl demon, the investor for main biz of series}[already e6ai tag] ,
striker_(helluva_boss) {tall imp with lizard-like face},
travis_(helluva_boss) (hazbinhotel wiki) {avian demon}
verosika_mayday_(helluva_boss) {succubus demon}
vortex_(helluva_boss) (hazbinhotel wiki ){male lupine Hellhound}
