Topic: [APPROVED] Reduntant Realism/Realistic BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #87 is active.

create alias hyper_realistic_ai (3) -> photorealism (1826)
create alias hyperrealistic (7) -> photorealism (1826)
create alias hyper_realistic (0) -> photorealism (1826)
create alias realism (25) -> realistic (3614)
create alias realistic_ai (0) -> realistic (3614)
create alias realistic_animation (3) -> realistic (3614)

Reason: for clarification

realistic and realism are different connotations
realist is an attempt to realism, while realism is like, the hyper super saiyan form

the realistic genital ones is literally them being anatomically accurate
and realism is to alias to photorealism as it is literally achieving photographic grounds of realism

realism to realistic is because people tend to not understand the difference or not care, as photorealism is a more directive tag to the definition and connotation

EDIT: The bulk update request #87 (forum #1775) has been approved by @Jelloponies.

Updated by auto moderator

flowersylveon said:
The bulk update request #87 is active.

create alias hyper_realistic_ai (3) -> photorealism (1826)
create alias hyperrealistic (7) -> photorealism (1826)
create alias hyper_realistic (0) -> photorealism (1826)
create alias realism (25) -> realistic (3614)
create alias realistic_ai (0) -> realistic (3614)
create alias realistic_animation (3) -> realistic (3614)

Reason: for clarification

realistic and realism are different connotations
realist is an attempt to realism, while realism is like, the hyper super saiyan form

the realistic genital ones is literally them being anatomically accurate
and realism is to alias to photorealism as it is literally achieving photographic grounds of realism

realism to realistic is because people tend to not understand the difference or not care, as photorealism is a more directive tag to the definition and connotation

Mostly agree with it.
While the tag hyper-realistic also imo implies some kind of “uncanny” vibe, I don’t think most users will think about such small differences in the meaning of the tag, so I guess we could say

hyper-realistic → photorealism

And the tags that include “AI” are unnecessary obviously, because everything here is AI anyway.

I agree with all of these besides the two last ones, because size should not be aliased to anatomically accurate. You can have a bigger junk but still be anatomically accurate, all humans don't generally have the same size of their privates