Topic: [APPROVED] Definitive Nintendo Consoles BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #80 is active.

create alias nes (0) -> nintendo_entertainment_system (0)
create implication nintendo_entertainment_system (0) -> nintendo (10533)
create implication nes_console (0) -> nintendo_entertainment_system (0)
create implication nes_controller (0) -> nintendo_entertainment_system (0)
create implication nes_zapper (0) -> nintendo_entertainment_system (0)
create implication power_glove (0) -> nintendo_entertainment_system (0)
create implication r.o.b (0) -> nintendo_entertainment_system (0)

Reason: Let's start with NES :3

EDIT: The bulk update request #80 (forum #1611) has been approved by @Jelloponies.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #81 is active.

create alias snes (0) -> super_nintendo (0)
create implication super_nintendo (0) -> nintendo (10533)
create implication snes_console (0) -> super_nintendo (0)
create implication snes_controller (0) -> super_nintendo (0)
create implication super_scope (0) -> super_nintendo (0)
create alias n64 (0) -> nintendo_64 (0)
create implication nintendo_64 (0) -> nintendo (10533)
create implication n64_console (0) -> nintendo_64 (0)
create implication n64_controller (0) -> nintendo_64 (0)
create alias game_cube (0) -> gamecube (0)
create implication gamecube (0) -> nintendo (10533)
create implication gamecube_console (0) -> gamecube (0)
create implication gamecube_controller (0) -> gamecube (0)
create alias nintendo_wii (0) -> wii (0)
create implication wii (0) -> nintendo (10533)
create implication wii_balance_board (0) -> wii (0)
create implication wii_console (0) -> wii (0)
create implication wii_nunchuk (0) -> wii (0)
create implication wii_remote (0) -> wii (0)

Reason: Snes

EDIT: The bulk update request #81 (forum #1612) has been approved by @Jelloponies.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #82 is active.

create implication wii_u (0) -> nintendo (10533)
create implication gamecube_controller_adapter (0) -> wii_u (0)
create implication wii_u_console (0) -> wii_u (0)
create implication wii_u_gamepad (0) -> wii_u (0)
create implication wii_u_pro_controller (0) -> wii_u (0)
create implication nintendo_switch (6) -> nintendo (10533)
create implication joycon_controller (0) -> nintendo_switch (6)
create implication switch_console (0) -> nintendo_switch (6)
create implication switch_dog (0) -> nintendo_switch (6)
change category switch_dog (0) -> character
create implication switch_pro_controller (0) -> nintendo_switch (6)
create implication nitendo_switch_2 (0) -> nintendo (10533)
create implication switch_dog_2 (0) -> nintendo_switch_2 (0)
change category switch_dog_2 (0) -> character

Reason: Wii U+Nintendo Switch 1/2 and the dawg :3

EDIT: The bulk update request #82 (forum #1613) has been approved by @Jelloponies.

Updated by auto moderator

flowersylveon said:
its a franchise of consoles
thought it would make sense but i could remove them

Tagging video game consoles as franchises would be the same as calling vhs_player, dvd_player, blueray_player all different franchises...

It's not. It's a support media, and again has zero value to elevate that tag's importance on the same level as its fictional universe. Franchise tags even shows up "above" the character's name category tag, hence why it should be used sparringly. What next? Is Netflix a franchise? Amazon prime? CD-ROM?


It still has that pointless "name_of_nintendo_console" -> nintendo. Why is it useful?

In the other BUR, your only point of defending the nintendo implication was that some users would find it useful to have the nintendo tag as a search query for any "nintendo characters" it contain, regardless of franchise, which is somewhat a defendable opinion, but that I already stated that I disagreed with it. Forcing company name/copyright implication is not a good way to do it. Tag it yourself if you care about adding tags that only you find useful, but don't force its use on every other user here.

And now it is needed for what? To also search for any nintendo console that happens to be visible in the image, regardless of if it has any nintendo characters from the franchise in the post? You want to use the nintendo tag to either search for a nintendo console or nintendo characters? Both? It doesn't respect the "Tag what you see" for general tags, and nintendo should definitely be a general tag because it's not a franchise. You want a broader tag to include all nintendo consoles, then add nintendo_console as a parent tag to all the different consoles instead. Nintendo a concert/brand name more than anything. From my point of view, there's no point of porting the concept of copyright back on e6ai and just "pretend" it's not a copyright tag. My request is that any user are free to use copyright tags such as nintendo if they like, but keep it out of forced implications.

What if I want to use it in my negative filters... "Eww, nintendo characters, don't want to see that." *Puts nintendo in the negative search query or blacklist.* But then it ends up blocking posts that has 2 non-copyrighted nintendo characters that just hapens to be gaming on a visible nintendo console... It missed the target of being useful here because it is too broad and ends up blocking more content that a regular user would expect by using it in the negatives.
