e6ai is basically a shit show run by a bunch of amateurs who think they are hot shit and can do whatever the hell they want. It’s a shame because it should have been really good. I’m fairly certain they’ve convinced themselves that they are in the right, and are actually doing the right thing. They also have convinced themselves that the nitpicking and constant faultfinding they are doing is for the betterment of the site and its users. What they fail to realize is that to folks who care about their work and what they are posting its tantamount to bulling. This is a form of abuse, the kinds of things that could drive the wrong person to suicide. It’s being under constant fear that your work will be rejected for reasons that are not understood and arbitrary. The lack of standards and transparency is appalling. There is saying. The difference between science and screwing around is writing it down. That goes for governing as well. Good governance sets up bumpers to drive good behavior. Those are written down and made clear to all. All the right things have been suggested by everyone, and the user base has been vocal. One of the easiest steps would be clearly writing down all the things that are being looked for and providing examples on the wiki. This provides a common basis of knowledge upon which the approvers and the users can review, discuss, and apply. The janitors should use the examples as the basis of comparison, and the users should also do so. It sets the standard for everyone. Nothing should be evaluated or critiqued that is not written down and on that page with examples and a very good description. Also effort should be made to help educate folks. The wiki would be a fantastic place to start with for that. Helping to grow people and improving the art they make over time.
Basically what they are doing is bulling folks and clubbing baby seals under the guise that it’s for their own good. They are working very hard at chasing off the entire userbase and making e6ai one of the most negative sites I’ve seen on the internet.
There is also the expectation that the art is human created. If you actually let the AI create the artwork then it’s pissed on and rejected. To make it short it’s an elitest attitude. That is not a good thing.
While some of the janitors do take a somewhat unbiased approach to content management, it is certainly being taken by some to delete anything that they don’t like. Before the September 2024 rule change only content which was not appropriate for the site was deleted, and approvals were for things that met standards. Anything that didn’t would age out, and the poster was limited until their stuff was approved or it eventually was auto deleted. Today each janitor goes and in just deletes anything they please, and even posts that were already approved. In short the result is highly biased and you’re seeing a very clear picture of the kinds of content they personally enjoy. I’m hoping they are not actually taking pleasure with nitpicking the posts and rejecting them. This behavior seems to deviate significant from the way e621 is managed.
There are some pretty easy solutions to handle the user load, make the site a good representation of what AI art could be, and provide a thriving environment for folks to enjoy and participate. Unfortunately the ideas, comments, and views posted by the users have been rejected and so the show continues on.
Updated by Jelloponies