Topic: separating human and humanoid genitalia

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

jelloponies said:
The bulk update request #62 is pending approval.

remove alias human_penis (0) -> humanoid_penis (7465)
remove alias human_genitalia (0) -> humanoid_genitalia (8808)
remove alias human_pussy (0) -> humanoid_pussy (911)
remove alias human_genital (0) -> humanoid_genitalia (8808)

Reason: Human_ to be used on actual human characters.
Humanoid_ to be used for anything else.

Referring to

People are tagging "Human_Penis" resulting with "Humanoid_Penis" tag on images of male humans.

"Human_Penis" should become "Penis" [default for human penis] and "Humanoid_Penis", along with "Animal_penis", strictly for non-humans.

Side note: "Tapering_Penis" should be adding the Animal_penis tag but isn't.


jelloponies said:
The bulk update request #62 is pending approval.

remove alias human_penis (0) -> humanoid_penis (7465)
remove alias human_genitalia (0) -> humanoid_genitalia (8808)
remove alias human_pussy (0) -> humanoid_pussy (911)
remove alias human_genital (0) -> humanoid_genitalia (8808)

Reason: Human_ to be used on actual human characters.
Humanoid_ to be used for anything else.

beerwolf said:
Referring to

People are tagging "Human_Penis" resulting with "Humanoid_Penis" tag on images of male humans.

"Human_Penis" should become "Penis" [default for human penis] and "Humanoid_Penis", along with "Animal_penis", strictly for non-humans.

Side note: "Tapering_Penis" should be adding the Animal_penis tag but isn't.

no reason for human_penis/humanoid_penis to just become penis
its the same reason to say canine_penis should just be penis

its all about what the penis look like
humanoid is a better way to describe than just human because its human-like, regardless of the differentiation its still going to be human related and since the whole e6 is on the basis of furry related stuff
its great to have some sort of differentiation, because humanoid_penis can be with or without glans(the tip) to be just looking like a banana, with or without foreskin, circumsation or not and other stuff

the humanoid is just a prefix
not all dogs that are canine will carry a canine_penis, it could be a humanoid looking one or a equine one, or even tapering

the same thing goes for "humans"(hybrids or mid or post TF) and humans that has penises other than human-like ones
exhibit A from this website
post #85646

and you can find some of the alot of them on e621
but here is some from there too:

flowersylveon said:
no reason for human_penis/humanoid_penis to just become penis
its the same reason to say canine_penis should just be penis

its all about what the penis look like
humanoid is a better way to describe than just human because its human-like, regardless of the differentiation its still going to be human related and since the whole e6 is on the basis of furry related stuff
its great to have some sort of differentiation, because humanoid_penis can be with or without glans(the tip) to be just looking like a banana, with or without foreskin, circumsation or not and other stuff


So how would someone search for images to not display anthros/ferals with human dicks, just male humans on anthros/feral, if humanoid_penis is applied to humans..???

I do a lot of tagging, and keeping it as you mentioned is beyond daft and illsuited.

beerwolf said:
So how would someone search for images to not display anthros/ferals with human dicks, just male humans on anthros/feral, if humanoid_penis is applied to humans..???

I do a lot of tagging, and keeping it as you mentioned is beyond daft and illsuited.

just search or dont with the human tag?
i dont quite grasp what you mean

beerwolf said:
"Human_Penis" should become "Penis" [default for human penis] and "Humanoid_Penis", along with "Animal_penis", strictly for non-humans.

I agree that humanoid penis should be used for non-humans with a human-like penis, but I'm not sure if making human_penis alias to penis would be the best idea.

If you keep human_penis to mean 'the penis of a human on a human' specifically, it would make your later example of "search[ing] for images to not display anthros/ferals with human dicks, just male humans on anthros/feral" easier. Just search 'human_penis -humanoid_penis anthro' and you'd get images with a male (or gynomorph) human and an anthro without a humanoid penis.

If you alias human_penis to penis, then you'd have to search something like 'human_on_anthro male_on_anthro -humanoid_penis' which is dumber in my opinion (and assumes humanoid_penis is tagged correctly).

Either way the tag humanoid_penis has been misused a lot (probably partially because of the human_penis -> humanoid_penis alias) and needs a cleanup. The wiki page says not to use it for humans, and that it's meant for nonhuman penises that resemble that of a human.

edit: also yeah humans can have an animal penis because fictional images but it's rare to see.

flowersylveon said:
just search or dont with the human tag?
i dont quite grasp what you mean

How is it hard to grasp...

I gave a literal example, and you retord with usage of the human tag.