Topic: Why does haunches convert to crouching?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The haunches tag converts to the crouching tag? I know haunches does mean crouching, but that is not it's made definition. There is a lot of unnecessarily aliased tags on this website, but this is the most unreasonable.

Haunches means the rear end of an animal, or the hip and thigh of a person. This tag would be useful on a site about furries if we could use it without it turning into the crouching tag. Thank you.

penis said:
The haunches tag converts to the crouching tag? I know haunches does mean crouching, but that is not it's made definition. There is a lot of unnecessarily aliased tags on this website, but this is the most unreasonable.

Haunches means the rear end of an animal, or the hip and thigh of a person. This tag would be useful on a site about furries if we could use it without it turning into the crouching tag. Thank you.

how the fuck is haunches crouching
and that tag is not even applicable unless you give me a very specific example or examples
because we already have rear_view and hind_legs depending on what you want exactly

Edit: apparently people don't tag that or forgot about it, someone will need to do some cleaning
I would do it if it were to be possible to edit multiple posts in bulk instead of going one by one, i know the Edit View is a thing but it's still boring
