Topic: BUR: abs is to broad

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

i believe it would have a followup for aliases of *sixpack* to six_pack_(abs) and so for the 8 one as well right?
along with implication for abs to be added as well

unfortunately system don't let you do followup aliases and implications, before these ones get removed.
EDIT: thanks


denatural said:
unfortunately system don't let you do followup aliases and implications, before these ones get removed.

thats why you just premake a followup
allow me


alias eight_pack -> eight_pack_(abs)
alias eightpack -> eight_pack_(abs)
alias 8pack -> eight_pack_(abs)
alias six_pack -> six_pack_(abs)
alias sixpack -> six_pack_(abs)
alias 6pack -> six_pack_(abs)
imply eight_pack_(abs) -> abs
imply six_pack_(abs) -> abs

flowersylveon said:
a new one why and how?

The site got confused because several of them were already aliased. When we tried removing the alias and adding a new one in the same post it didn't let us so we had to split it in two. First removing the old alias and today the new one will be added.