Topic: any AMD-friendly diffusion GUI?

Posted under AI Art Tutorials

I see a number of diffusers that claim to run in AMD hardware
most of those are only for linux
and there's a few that claim to run in windows, but only using CPU instead of Vulkan
and docker and other VMware subsystems are giving me BSoD by just being installed, not even running those diffusers
only having a VMWare installed on windows 11 22h2 causes BSoD, that's a known issue and it's yet to be fixed
anyways, is there any diffusion-like GUI that can run in AMD hardware with Vulkcan?

katehanami said:
I see a number of diffusers that claim to run in AMD hardware
most of those are only for linux
and there's a few that claim to run in windows, but only using CPU instead of Vulkan
and docker and other VMware subsystems are giving me BSoD by just being installed, not even running those diffusers
only having a VMWare installed on windows 11 22h2 causes BSoD, that's a known issue and it's yet to be fixed
anyways, is there any diffusion-like GUI that can run in AMD hardware with Vulkcan?

Geohot is working to get AI stuff working on AMD gaming cards.

The latter part of this video talks about it:

You may be able to run EasyDiffusion in WSL (a Linux environment that runs in Windows) but I don't know for sure. A dual boot would work for sure.

SD Next, fork of automatic designed to work on multiple platforms with ease. Highly recommended.