Posted under Art Talk

Either one of the STAFF is confused on ABDL VS YOUNG content or yall got some explaining to do end of story .....
yet ya search <cub> or <young> a good bit comes up yet when ABDL is involved it gets the bullet now im not an idiot clearly yall have your reasons but theres gotta be a legit reason

empress_puppy_abdl said:
Either one of the STAFF is confused on ABDL VS YOUNG content or yall got some explaining to do end of story .....
yet ya search <cub> or <young> a good bit comes up yet when ABDL is involved it gets the bullet now im not an idiot clearly yall have your reasons but theres gotta be a legit reason

As stated in the Uploading Guidelines:

•Any submissions containing underage characters in explicit situations
Visual appearance or canonical age both count for this.

In addition, you may not use e6AI to upload any of the following:

•Child pornography: Any photograph, drawing or movie that depicts children, real or fictional, in a sexual manner. This includes nudity, explicit sex, and implied sex.

In other words, no "fictional children" that are nude or having sex.

Fully clothed cubs should probably be okay.

But the primary reason is that AI would often use real images gathered in it's database (CP) to use as a reference when generating images. Either way, if the janies decide the image is not suitable for the site, then so be it. That's just how it goes!

angry_puppy said:
As stated in the Uploading Guidelines:

•Any submissions containing underage characters in explicit situations
Visual appearance or canonical age both count for this.

In addition, you may not use e6AI to upload any of the following:

•Child pornography: Any photograph, drawing or movie that depicts children, real or fictional, in a sexual manner. This includes nudity, explicit sex, and implied sex.

In other words, no "fictional children" that are nude or having sex.

Fully clothed cubs should probably be okay.

But the primary reason is that AI would often use real images gathered in it's database (CP) to use as a reference when generating images. Either way, if the janies decide the image is not suitable for the site, then so be it. That's just how it goes!

Well said.

I will add that even when fully clothed if the image is deemed too questionable where the intention of the image is to sexualise the character then even fully clothed may get flagged.
We have to err on the side of caution when it comes to this.

angry_puppy said:
As stated in the Uploading Guidelines:

•Any submissions containing underage characters in explicit situations
Visual appearance or canonical age both count for this.

In addition, you may not use e6AI to upload any of the following:

•Child pornography: Any photograph, drawing or movie that depicts children, real or fictional, in a sexual manner. This includes nudity, explicit sex, and implied sex.

In other words, no "fictional children" that are nude or having sex.

Fully clothed cubs should probably be okay.

But the primary reason is that AI would often use real images gathered in it's database (CP) to use as a reference when generating images. Either way, if the janies decide the image is not suitable for the site, then so be it. That's just how it goes!

im well aware cuz legalities ofcourse but i was just perplexed as one of the ABDL relevant works i threw in the mix didnt tread any gray area that i could tell based on TOS/SR <SR being site rules> and was more or less just Foruming to see if anyone could give me the logic as it seemed abit odd and seems i got my justificatipn from both you and Jello to some degree