Topic: Tag alias: nude_art -> nude

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I believe "nude_art" may be mostly applied to pictures where the focus is on non-pornographic nudity, especially pinup style, whereas some hardcore porn with "nude" people in it may not exactly count as "nude_art".
But I'm just taking a guess here. I never used the tag myself...

i believe people were tagging nude_art because it may be something they included in prompts and tagged as such
i'm not a smart ass when it's comes to be generating media so i may or not be talking shit

I asked the king of smart asses.

>> does "nude art" imply that it's not of a pornographic nature?


Yes, "nude art" generally implies that the artwork is not of a pornographic nature. Nude art is typically considered to be artistic representations of the human form without clothing, focusing on the beauty, form, and anatomy of the body. This type of art has a long history and is often seen in various mediums such as painting, sculpture, and photography. It aims to capture the aesthetics and expressiveness of the human figure.

Pornography, on the other hand, is intended to elicit sexual arousal and often focuses on explicit sexual content and acts. The distinction lies in the intent and presentation: nude art is appreciated for its artistic value, while pornography is consumed for its erotic content.

In summary, while both nude art and pornography involve depictions of the naked human body, nude art is typically not meant to be sexually explicit or provocative in the same way that pornography is.

rantas said:
chatgpt nude art

i mean yeah
art class just tells or shows about nude art that isn't to be sexual as the body is a way to say "already a work of art" being portraid as such is not uncommon as i believe that's the standard for deviantart/tumblr for any sort of stuff being put there, genitals can be shown unless they are in sexual context such as "leaking" or "erected" or something alike

but just doesn't have any meaning on here as a form of tag, because in either way characters portraited are just nude, being sexualized or not

mintyflur said:
i believe people were tagging nude_art because it may be something they included in prompts and tagged as such
i'm not a smart ass when it's comes to be generating media so i may or not be talking shit

I generated NSFW anthro version many times.
It make nude character without clothes and genitals by default. You don't need to specify nude in prompts, but you need to specify that he carry clothes if you don't need completly nude character. An exception was anubis, he carry loincloth by default without specifing it. But if you specify genitals on prompts it will delete also loincloth, so if you want also to remain ineffective loincloth you need to specify it.

rantas said:
It aims to capture the aesthetics and expressiveness of the human figure.

Oh no, we got mostly anthro figures. So clearly we can't use "nude art" ๐Ÿ˜

mintyflur said:
i mean yeah
art class just tells or shows about nude art that isn't to be sexual as the body is a way to say "already a work of art" being portraid as such is not uncommon as i believe that's the standard for deviantart/tumblr for any sort of stuff being put there, genitals can be shown unless they are in sexual context such as "leaking" or "erected" or something alike

but just doesn't have any meaning on here as a form of tag, because in either way characters portraited are just nude, being sexualized or not

Whether the tag is required or not is a different question. Virtually all my NSFW posts qualify as nude art, as it seems, but I never once used the tag anyway. I don't find it very meaningful either.
However, I would argue against "nude" and "nude art" being the same, because they convey very different meanings. It's a bit like saying "clothed" and "fashion show" are the same.

mintyflur said:
genitals can be shown unless they are in sexual context such as "leaking" or "erected" or something alike

While erection considered as dirty, in that scene I enjoyed not exactly a porn scene, but it will be never considered as nude art as it descripted by rantas
I mostly enjoyed that moment (don't consider it with dirty podtext, I feel something else in that words) "I have so much male power, so I can't hold it anymore. You can feel it too! Feel and enjoy my power!" rather than porn scene. That feels great for me, like I energized my male power. Without erected dick in that scene I will feel that effect much less. I don't know exactly how it should be considered with such unusual feeling, but I don't enjoyed exactly a porn scene with dirty fantasies.


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