Topic: Furbitron - stats for e6AI and other furry art sites

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

Hello all!

In late 2021, I built a site that keeps track of the submissions on several furry art sites. You can see it at . For more details, see the e621 forum thread .

In December 2022, I started adding support for e6AI to Furbitron. The support is not yet complete, but it should be done later in 2023.

The below is a copy of my "2022 Year in Review" that I posted on e621 and the other sites Furbitron monitors.


This is a year-end review of how the sites Furbitron monitors fared in 2022, and how that compares to past years.

tl;dr: 2022 was the second year ever where FurAffinity did not have year-on-year growth. 2022 was the best year ever for e621. Some of the smaller sites enjoyed a "Twitter bump" in their post rates around mid-November.

tl;dr but as a table:

Submission IDs
site               2022       2021  change     notes
Buzzly          215,000     62,000  +250%
FurAffinity   5,140,000  5,358,000    -4.1%
e621            684,600    546,000   +25%
SoFurry         136,600    134,100    +1.9%
Weasyl          109,000    109,100    -0.092%
FurryNetwork     44,000     40,700    +8.1%
Furiffic          7,400                        shut down on June 1, 2022
e6AI                860                        new for 2022

(submission ID counts are rounded)

The "Twitter bump"

As you may have heard, Twitter got a new owner in late October, 2022. Shortly after that, Twitter laid off many of its employees, began changing some of the features of their service, and reinstated some users they had previously suspended.

Because of those changes, some Twitter users expressed concern as to whether or not Twitter would remain online, and some of them stopped using Twitter.

At least some artists seem to have increased their usage of furry art sites in response. This is easiest to see on the past-year graphs for the lower-volume sites that Furbitron monitors; look for a slight increase in the post rate starting around mid-November, 2022:

Buzzly, past year

FurryNetwork, past year

SoFurry, past year

Weasyl, past year

This table gives a comparison of Furbitron's count of the number of submissions in the past week, from November 1 and December 1, 2022. In other words, it counts submissions from October 26-November 1 and November 25-December 1.

Submissions for week ended

site          Nov 1  Dec 1  change   
Buzzly          398    558  +40%   
FurryNetwork    798   1144  +43%   
SoFurry        2830   2822   -0.28%   
Weasyl         2103   2763  +31%   

It is possible that not all of this bump is attributable to changes at Twitter. FurAffinity started paywalling large image uploads on about November 26, 2022, so it's possible that some artists responded by increasing their participation on other sites.

The bump visible on the graphs starts around November 10 to 15 or so. This is far enough before the change at FurAffinity that it probably can't all be attributed to the pricing change at FA.

Furbitron itself

Furbitron added support for Buzzly in February, and some support for e6AI in December. Furbitron also stopped collecting data on Furiffic when it shut down in June. There are more details in the sections for each of those sites below.

In August, Furbitron added predictions for the dates of future submission ID milestones to the statistics page for each site. The predictions are computed daily, using a linear projection, and are based on the past year of data for each site.

Furbitron added the "experiments" section in October, for special projects based on Furbitron's data. Most of the experiments will not automatically update like the rest of Furbitron.


Buzzly had about 215,000 submissions in 2022, which was its first full year of operation. Buzzly launched in 2021 and had about 62,000 submissions that year, most of which came in November and December.

The fast growth continued in early 2022, but around February and March, there were some communications from Buzzly staff, and changes in their acceptable upload policy, that did not find favor with many of their users.

As a result, the post rate at Buzzly dropped off a lot in mid-March 2022. March 16, 2022 was the last day where Buzzly got more than 1,000 new posts a day - before that point, it averaged about 2,510 posts a day. Starting on March 21, 2022, Buzzly has never had more than 200 new posts a day - the average since then is about 69 posts a day.

In early July, Furbitron predicted that Buzzly would have about 222,000 submissions in all of 2022; the actual results were a little less than the prediction. This prediction was manually calculated, using the lower post rate since mid-March.

Furbitron's automated predictions for Buzzly will remain optimistic until around mid-March 2023 - about a month from now. Those predictions always use the past year of data, which currently includes the last month or so of the high post rate period at Buzzly.

Furbitron added tracking of Buzzly in early February 2022. Shout out to Deer-Spangle , who provided valuable insight into Buzzly's GraphQL API. This made Buzzly support happen much more quickly than it otherwise would have.

Buzzly does not use numeric submission IDs, so Furbitron cannot check the latest submissions to get the highest submission ID. Instead, Furbitron queries Buzzly's API to get the count of submissions Buzzly claims to have had since Furbitron's last query, and adds that count to a running total.


2022 was the second year ever where FurAffinity did not have year-on-year growth; it ended 2022 with about 5,140,000 submission IDs, as compared to 5,358,000 for 2021. 2022 was close behind 2021 until about mid-September, but the 2022 rate slowed down somewhat from then on.

In early July, Furbitron predicted that FurAffinity would have about 5,200,000 submission IDs in all of 2022; the actual results were a little less than the prediction.

FurAffinity reached submission ID 50,000,000 on November 27, 2022. In early July, Furbitron predicted a date of November 26 for that submission ID.

FurAffinity launched in late 2005 and had about 12,000 submission IDs that year; 2006 was the first full year of operation, with about 320,600 submission IDs. It had year-on-year growth every year from 2005 to 2020.

FurAffinity experienced a large jump in submission IDs in 2020, 2021, and 2022, compared to the previous few years - there were about 4.0 million submission IDs in 2018, 4.5 million in 2019, 5.5 million in 2020, 5.4 million in 2021, and 5.1 million in 2022. It will be interesting to see if 2023 also reaches 5+ million submissions.


Furiffic had about 7,400 submission IDs in 2022. Furiffic announced in March 2022 that they would shut down on June 1, 2022, and they did.

Furbitron stopped collecting data and updating the statistics for Furiffic at that time, but still displays the data collected and the statistics calculated up to that point.

In early July, Furbitron predicted that Furiffic would have had about 17,600 submissions in 2022, if it had stayed online all year.

Furiffic's best year ever was 2016, with about 51,600 submission IDs. It launched in spring 2013 and had about 2,100 submission IDs that year; 2014 was the first full year of operation, with about 3,900 submission IDs through late November.

(Because of the way Furiffic's history browsing worked, it was not always easy for Furbitron to find submissions that were made on or near December 31 of each year. This is why some of the lines on the year-on-year graph do not extend all the way through December.)


FurryNetwork had about 44,000 submission IDs in 2022. This was an improvement over 2021 (40,700), but a decline from 2020 (52,500).

In early July, Furbitron predicted that FurryNetwork would have about 39,300 submission IDs in all of 2022; the actual results were somewhat better than the prediction.

FurryNetwork's best year ever was 2016, with about 1,063,000 submission IDs. It launched in summer 2015 and had about 286,800 submission IDs that year. 2021 was the slowest full year for FurryNetwork.


SoFurry had about 136,600 submission IDs in 2022. This was better than 2021 (134,100), but lower than 2020 (139,300).

In early July, Furbitron predicted that SoFurry would have about 136,000 submission IDs in all of 2022; the actual results were slightly better than the prediction.

SoFurry's best year ever was 2017, with about 166,700 submission IDs. It launched in spring 2006 and had about 6,700 submission IDs that year; 2007 was the first full year of operation, with about 23,900 submission IDs.

SoFurry is developing a new version of their site, which they call SoFurry Next. A SoFurry administrator has confirmed that SoFurry Next will not use numeric submission IDs, but will have an API available.

SoFurry has not yet announced when SoFurry Next will go into production. When that happens, Furbitron's data collection for SoFurry will most likely be interrupted for at least a few days, until it is updated to handle the new site and its API.


Weasyl had about 109,000 submission IDs in 2022. This was a very tiny decline from 2021 (109,100), and a decline from 2020 (121,100).

In early July, Furbitron predicted that Weasyl would have about 104,000 submission IDs in all of 2022; the actual results were better than the prediction.

Weasyl's best year ever was 2014, with about 526,000 submission IDs. It launched in fall 2011 and had about 40 submission IDs that year; 2012 was the first full year of operation, with about 77,200 submission IDs. 2022 was the slowest full year for Weasyl since 2012.


2022 was the best year ever for e621, with about 684,600 submission IDs.

e621 also experienced a large jump in submission IDs in 2020, 2021, and 2022, compared to the previous few years - there were about 338,000 submission IDs in 2018, 350,000 in 2019, 451,000 in 2020, 546,000 in 2021, and 684,600 in 2022.

In early July, Furbitron predicted that e621 would have about 646,000 submission IDs in all of 2022; the actual results were much better than the prediction.

e621 had year-on-year growth every year from 2008 to 2022. It launched in spring 2007 and had about 14,100 submission IDs that year; 2008 was the first full year of operation, with about 10,700 submission IDs.


e6AI had about 860 submission IDs in 2022, the first year it was online.

e6AI went online around mid-October 2022. Furbitron first discovered it when someone asked about it on the e621 forums in early December. An e621 admin confirmed that e6AI is owned and operated by the same company as e621, and that some of the e621 staff helped set up e6AI.

Furbitron added monitoring of e6AI on December 8, 2022. Since it uses the same software as e621, it was easy to re-use the code developed to query e621's API.

Furbitron does not yet fully support e6AI. You can see statistics for e6AI on the All > Statistics and All except FA > Statistics pages, but the individual pages for each graph don't exist yet. Full support is planned for later in 2023.

Notes and disclaimers

The submission ID counts in this post have been rounded off. They should be accurate to within 1% or so.

The owners of the various sites can directly query their site's database, so they may publish slightly different numbers than are found here.

The numbers here come from Furbitron's monitoring of the sites listed. The historical data was mostly gathered from the sites in September 2021. e621 provides a dump of their site database, so the historical data for e621 came from that dump in September 2021. Since then, Furbitron has done "live" monitoring of each site, once a day.



Edited to fix link


This is a mid-year review of how the sites Furbitron monitors are projected to fare for all of 2023, and how that compares to 2022.


2023 may be the third year in a row where FurAffinity will not have year-on-year growth. 2023 will probably be the best year ever for e621. Some of the smaller sites enjoyed an "FA bump" in their post rates towards the end of May.

FurAffinity submission ID 55,000,000 will probably happen around December 20, 2023 - possibly a little earlier.

tl;dr, but as a table:

Site          Estimate   vs 2022
Buzzly           18,400  -91%
FurAffinity   4,620,000  -10%
FurryNetwork     52,000  +18%
SoFurry         142,000   +4.0%
Weasyl          135,000  +24%
e621            725,000  +18%
e6AI              7,560 +770%

(submission estimates are rounded)

The "FA bump"

FA revised their acceptable upload policy on May 19, 2023, and posted additional updates on May 22 and May 24. The net effect was that some artwork that was previously considered acceptable on FA is no longer considered acceptable. This change did not find favor with some artists and other FA users.

At least some artists seem to have increased their usage of smaller furry art sites in response. This is easiest to see on the past-year graphs for the lower-volume sites that Furbitron monitors; look for a slight increase in the post rate starting just after mid-May, 2023:

You can also somewhat see the increased post rate on the year-on-year graphs for the lower-volume sites; look at the white line, starting just before day 150:

The data for Buzzly and e621 don't reflect an "FA bump" at this time.


Buzzly is projected to have about 18,400 submission IDs in 2023. This would be 91% lower than the 215,000 submission IDs in 2022.

Buzzly launched in late 2021, and experienced fast growth through early 2022; during that time, it often had days with 1,000 new posts a day.

Around February and March 2022, there were some communications from Buzzly staff, and changes in their acceptable upload policy, that did not find favor with many of their users.

As a result, the post rate at Buzzly dropped off a lot in mid-March 2022. From mid-2022 to mid-2023, Buzzly is averaging about 50 new posts a day.


FurAffinity is projected to have about 4,620,000 submissions in 2023. This would be 10% lower than the 5,140,000 submissions in 2022, and would mark the third year ever where FA would not have year-on-year growth.

FA's upload policy changes in March 2023, mentioned above, do not yet seem to have made a significant impact on the post rate at FA. On the other hand, that change has only been in place for about a month and a half as of this writing. The effect, if any, may become more apparent in the future.

Going strictly by the numbers, FurAffinity will probably reach submission ID 55,000,000 around December 20, 2023.

In reality, it will probably happen a few days sooner than that - as the submission IDs increase, more people will post submissions, hoping to have the 55,000,000th submission.


FurryNetwork is projected to have about 52,000 submission IDs in 2023. This would be 18% higher than the 44,000 submission IDs in 2022.


SoFurry is projected to have about 142,000 submission IDs in 2023. This would be 4.0% higher than the 136,600 submissions in 2022.

SoFurry reached submission ID 2,000,000 on June 10, 2023.


Weasyl is projected to have about 135,000 submission IDs in 2023. This would be 24% higher than the 109,000 submission IDs in 2022.


e621 is projected to have about 725,000 submission IDs in 2023. This is 6.0% higher than the 684,000 submission IDs in 2022, and would continue e621's history of year-on-year submission ID growth since 2009.


e6AI is projected to have about 7,560 submission IDs in 2023. This is 770% higher than the 865 submission IDs in 2022. e6AI first went online in mid-October 2022, so 2023 will be its first full year of operation.

e6AI specializes in AI-generated images. e6AI is operated by the same people as e621, and uses the same software as e621.

Furbitron added basic tracking of e6AI in early December 2022. Furbitron collects data and computes the statistics for e6AI daily, but does not yet display the graphs for e6AI.

Notes and disclaimers

These are linear extrapolations to 2023-12-31, based on data from 2023-01-01 to 2023-07-11.

The submission ID counts in this post have been rounded off. They should be accurate to within 1% or so.

The owners of the various sites can directly query their site's database, so they may publish slightly different numbers than are found here.

The numbers here come from Furbitron's monitoring of the sites listed. The historical data was mostly gathered from the sites in September 2021. e621 provides a dump of their site database, so the historical data for e621 came from that dump in September 2021. Since then, Furbitron has done "live" monitoring of each site, once a day.

Edit, 2023-07-11: Added data for e6AI.




This is a year-end review of how the sites Furbitron monitors fared in 2023, and how that compares to past years.


2023 was the third year ever where FurAffinity did not have year-on-year growth. 2023 was the best year ever for e621.

tl;dr, but as a table:

Submission IDs
site               2023       2022  change    notes
Buzzly           17,590    215,000    -92%
e621            723,000    684,600     +5.6%
e6AI             19,070        860  +2100%
FurAffinity   4,566,000  5,140,000    -11%
FurryNetwork     50,640     44,000    +15%
itaku           429,300                       new for 2023
SoFurry         149,400    136,600     +9.4%
Weasyl          141,100    109,000    +29%

(submission ID counts are rounded)

Furbitron itself

Furbitron added support for itaku in August.

Also in August, Furbitron added graphs for "all sites except FurAffinity and e621" to the "All except FA" pages. This shows a little more detail for the lower-volume sites that Furbitron monitors.

Furbitron added the "FA art comments" experiment in May, and the "e621 tag backlog" experiment in October.


Buzzly had about 17,590 submissions in 2023, as compared to 215,000 submissions in 2022. 2023 was the first year that Buzzly did not have year-on-year growth.

Buzzly experienced fast growth in late 2021 and early 2022, but the post rate dropped off a lot in mid-March 2022. This low post rate continued throughout the rest of 2022 and into 2023.

Based on data from January to early July, 2023, Furbitron predicted that Buzzly would have 18,400 submissions for all of 2023. The actual result was a little lower than predicted.

Buzzly does not use numeric submission IDs, so Furbitron cannot check the latest submissions to get the highest submission ID. Instead, Furbitron queries Buzzly's API to get the count of submissions Buzzly claims to have had since Furbitron's last query, and adds that count to a running total.


2023 was the best year ever for e621, with about 723,000 submission IDs.

Based on data from January to early July, 2023, Furbitron predicted that e621 would have 725,000 submissions for all of 2023. The actual result was a little lower than predicted.

e621 also experienced a large jump in submission IDs in 2020, 2021, and 2022, compared to the previous few years - there were about 338,000 submission IDs in 2018, 350,000 in 2019, 451,000 in 2020, 546,000 in 2021, and 684,600 in 2022. The 2023 number of 723,000 was still better than 2022, but not as much of a jump from the previous year as seen in 2020, 2021, and 2022.

e621 had year-on-year growth every year from 2008 to 2023. It launched in spring 2007 and had about 14,100 submission IDs that year; 2008 was the first full year of operation, with about 10,700 submission IDs.


e6AI had about 19,070 submission IDs in 2023, its first full year of operation.

e6AI specializes in AI-generated images, and is operated by the same people as e621. e6AI went online around mid-October 2022, and had about 860 submission IDs through the end of 2022.

Based on data from January to early July, 2023, Furbitron predicted that e6AI would have 7,560 submissions for all of 2023. The actual result was much higher than predicted.

Furbitron does not yet fully support e6AI. You can see statistics for e6AI on the "All > Statistics" and "All except FA > Statistics" pages, but the individual pages for each graph don't exist yet. Full support is planned for some time in 2024.


2023 was the third year ever where FurAffinity did not have year-on-year growth; it ended 2023 with about 4,566,000 submission IDs, as compared to 5,140,000 for 2022. The post rate for 2023 was relatively consistent throughout the year, with a slight slow-down in December. The post rate for 2023 was slightly higher than the 2019 post rate all year.

FurAffinity reached submission ID 55,000,000 on December 31, 2023.

Based on data from January to early July, 2023, Furbitron predicted that FurAffinity would have 4,620,000 submissions for all of 2023. The actual result was a little lower than predicted.

FurAffinity launched in late 2005 and had about 12,000 submission IDs that year; 2006 was the first full year of operation, with about 320,600 submission IDs. It had year-on-year growth every year from 2005 to 2020.

FurAffinity experienced a large jump in submission IDs in 2020, 2021, and 2022, compared to the previous few years - there were about 4.0 million submission IDs in 2018, 4.5 million in 2019, 5.5 million in 2020, 5.4 million in 2021, and 5.1 million in 2022. With about 4.6 million submission IDs in 2023, the post rate at FA seems to have returned to just slightly above the pre-pandemic level.


FurryNetwork had about 50,640 submission IDs in 2023. This was an improvement over both 2022 (44,000) and 2021 (40,700).

Based on data from January to early July, 2023, Furbitron predicted that FurryNetwork would have 52,000 submissions for all of 2023. The actual result was a little lower than predicted.

FurryNetwork had a slight bump in its post rate in late May and early June. This may be related to FurAffinity's AUP changes in May, 2023.

FurryNetwork's best year ever was 2016, with about 1,063,000 submission IDs. It launched in summer 2015 and had about 286,800 submission IDs that year. 2021 was the slowest full year for FurryNetwork.


itaku had about 429,300 submission IDs in 2023. This was the best year so far for itaku.

itaku had a bump in its post rate in late May and June. This may be related to FurAffinity's AUP changes in May, 2023.

itaku first went online around October, 2020, but had a very low post rate through about June, 2021. itaku had about 38,900 submission IDs in 2021, and 243,000 in 2022.

Furbitron added monitoring of itaku in August, 2023. Shout out to Deer-Spangle , who found and shared itaku's API.


SoFurry had about 149,400 submission IDs in 2023. This was better than both 2022 (136,600) and 2021 (134,100).

Based on data from January to early July, 2023, Furbitron predicted that SoFurry would have 142,000 submissions for all of 2023. The actual result was better than predicted.

SoFurry had a bump in its post rate in late May and June. This may be related to FurAffinity's AUP changes in May, 2023.

SoFurry's best year ever was 2017, with about 166,700 submission IDs. It launched in spring 2006 and had about 6,700 submission IDs that year; 2007 was the first full year of operation, with about 23,900 submission IDs.

Since at least August 2013, SoFurry has been developing a new version of their site, which they currently call SoFurry Next. SoFurry has not yet announced when SoFurry Next will go into production. When that happens, Furbitron's data collection for SoFurry will most likely be interrupted for at least a few days, until it is updated to handle the new site and its API.


Weasyl had about 141,100 submission IDs in 2023. This was an improvement over both 2022 (109,000) and 2021 (109,100).

Based on data from January to early July, 2023, Furbitron predicted that Weasyl would have 135,000 submissions for all of 2023. The actual result was better than predicted.

Weasyl had a bump in its post rate in late May and June. This may be related to FurAffinity's AUP changes in May, 2023.

Weasyl's best year ever was 2014, with about 526,000 submission IDs. It launched in fall 2011 and had about 40 submission IDs that year; 2012 was the first full year of operation, with about 77,200 submission IDs. 2022 was the slowest full year for Weasyl since 2012.

Notes and disclaimers

The submission ID counts in this post have been rounded off. They should be within about 1% of the un-rounded counts.

The owners of the various sites can directly query their site's database, so they may publish slightly different numbers than are found here.

The numbers here come from Furbitron's monitoring of the sites listed. The historical data was mostly gathered from the sites in September 2021. e621 provides a dump of their site database, so the historical data for e621 came from that dump in September 2021. Since then, Furbitron has done "live" monitoring of each site, once a day.




This is a mid-year review of how the sites Furbitron monitors are projected to fare for all of 2024, and how that compares to 2023.


For 2024, only e621 and e6AI are projected to have year-on-year growth, compared to 2023. All of the other sites Furbitron monitors are projected to have year-on-year declines between about 2.8% and 39%.

e621 submission ID 5,000,000 will probably happen towards the end of August. Itaku submission ID 1,000,000 will probably happen towards the end of October.

tl;dr, but as a table:

Site          Estimate   vs 2023
Buzzly           12,300    -30%
FurAffinity   4,440,000     -2.8%
FurryNetwork     31,100    -39%
Itaku           303,000    -29%
SoFurry         125,000    -16%
Weasyl          104,000    -26%
e621            760,000     +5.2%
e6AI             52,100   +170%

(submission estimates are rounded)


Buzzly is projected to have about 12,300 submission IDs in 2024. This would be 30% lower than the 17,600 submission IDs in 2023.

Buzzly launched in late 2021, and experienced fast growth through early 2022. However, the post rate at Buzzly dropped off a lot in mid-March 2022.

From mid-2023 to mid-2024, Buzzly is averaging about 39 new posts a day.


FurAffinity is projected to have about 4,440,000 submissions in 2024. This would be 2.8% lower than the 4,570,000 submissions in 2023, and would mark the fourth year ever where FA would not have year-on-year growth.

From mid-2023 to mid-2024, FA is averaging about 12,300 new posts a day.


FurryNetwork is projected to have about 31,100 submission IDs in 2024. This would be 39% lower than the 50,700 submission IDs in 2023.

From mid-2023 to mid-2024, FurryNetwork is averaging about 111 new posts a day.


Itaku is projected to have about 303,000 submission IDs in 2024. This would be 29% lower than the 429,000 submission IDs in 2023.

Itaku launched in late 2020, and Furbitron started monitoring it in August 2023. In 2021, 2022, and 2023, there were noticeable bumps in the post rate at Itaku during the year, possibly due to more people discovering the site. The post rate in 2024 has not had a similar bump so far.

If the post rate at Itaku holds steady, submission ID 1,000,000 will probably happen towards the end of October.

From mid-2023 to mid-2024, Itaku is averaging about 1,180 new posts a day.


SoFurry is projected to have about 125,000 submission IDs in 2024. This would be 16% lower than the 150,000 submissions in 2023.

From mid-2023 to mid-2024, SoFurry is averaging about 366 new posts a day.


Weasyl is projected to have about 104,000 submission IDs in 2024. This would be 26% lower than the 141,000 submission IDs in 2023.

From mid-2023 to mid-2024, Weasyl is averaging about 322 new posts a day.


e621 is projected to have about 760,000 submission IDs in 2024. This is 5.2% higher than the 723,000 submission IDs in 2023, and would continue e621's history of year-on-year submission ID growth since 2009.

e621 submission ID 5,000,000 will probably happen towards the end of August.

From mid-2023 to mid-2024, e621 is averaging about 2,040 new posts a day.


e6AI is projected to have about 52,100 submission IDs in 2024. This is 170% higher than the 19,000 submission IDs in 2023. 2023 was e6AI's first full year of operation.

From mid-2023 to mid-2024, e6AI is averaging about 115 new posts a day.

e6AI specializes in AI-generated images. It is operated by the same people as e621, and uses the same software as e621.

Furbitron collects data and computes the statistics for e6AI daily, but does not yet display the graphs for e6AI.

Notes and disclaimers

The year-end projections are are linear extrapolations to 2024-12-31, based on data from 2024-01-01 to 2024-07-03. The posts-per-day numbers are from Furbitron's regular daily statistics on 2024-07-03.

The submission ID counts in this post have been rounded off. They should be within about 1% of the un-rounded counts.

The owners of the various sites can directly query their site's database, so they may publish slightly different numbers than are found here.

The numbers here come from Furbitron's monitoring of the sites listed. The historical data was mostly gathered from the sites in September 2021. e621 provides a dump of their site database, so the historical data for e621 came from that dump in September 2021. Since then, Furbitron has done "live" monitoring of each site, once a day.




junothewoofer said:
Popping in here to say that I think this is really interesting. Please keep it up!


Only the year-end and mid-year reports get posted here, but the site itself updates every day. You can see the stats for e6AI on the all stats or all-but-FA stats pages - scroll all the way down.


This is a year-end review of how the sites Furbitron monitors fared in 2024, and how that compares to past years.


2024 saw double-digit percentage drops in submissions on five of the eight sites Furbitron monitors. The only two sites that had an increase in submissions were e621 and e6AI. 2024 was the fourth year ever where FurAffinity did *not* have year-on-year growth.

tl;dr, but as a table:

Submission IDs
site               2024       2023   change
Buzzly           11,190     17,590    -36%
e621            771,700    723,000     +6.7%
e6AI             62,890     19,070   +230%
FurAffinity   4,363,000  4,566,000     -4.4%
FurryNetwork     30,340     50,640    -40%
itaku           301,300    429,300    -30%
SoFurry         127,100    149,400    -15%
Weasyl          115,300    141,100    -18%

(submission ID counts are rounded)

Furbitron itself

In July, Furbitron updated the "e621 tag backlog" experiment to include data from late 2023 and the first half of 2024.


Buzzly had about 11,190 submissions in 2024, as compared to 17,590 submissions in 2023. 2024 was the second year that Buzzly did not have year-on-year growth.

Buzzly experienced fast growth in late 2021 and early 2022, but the post rate dropped off a lot in mid-March 2022. This low post rate continued throughout 2022 and beyond.

Based on data from January to early July, 2024, Furbitron predicted that Buzzly would have 12,300 submissions for all of 2024. The actual result was lower than predicted.

Buzzly does not use numeric submission IDs, so Furbitron cannot check the latest submissions to get the highest submission ID. Instead, Furbitron queries Buzzly's API to get the count of submissions Buzzly claims to have had since Furbitron's last query, and adds that count to a running total.


2024 was the best year ever for e621, with about 771,700 submission IDs.

Based on data from January to early July, 2024, Furbitron predicted that e621 would have 760,000 submissions for all of 2024. The actual result was higher than predicted.

e621 reached submission ID 5,000,000 on August 21, 2024.

e621 had year-on-year growth every year from 2008 to 2024. It launched in spring 2007 and had about 14,100 submission IDs that year; 2008 was the first full year of operation, with about 10,700 submission IDs.


e6AI had about 62,890 submission IDs in 2024, its second full year of operation.

e6AI specializes in AI-generated images, and is operated by the same people as e621. e6AI went online around mid-October 2022, and had about 860 submission IDs through the end of 2022.

Based on data from January to early July, 2024, Furbitron predicted that e6AI would have 52,100 submissions for all of 2024. The actual result was much higher than predicted.

Furbitron does not yet fully support e6AI. You can see statistics for e6AI on the "All > Statistics" and "All except FA > Statistics" pages, but the individual pages for each graph don't exist yet. Full support is planned for the future.


FurAffinity's owner, Dragoneer, passed away suddenly on August 6, 2024. He had been dealing with some health issues, but his sudden loss was unexpected.

On August 20, an attacker gained control of FurAffinity's domain and pointed it away from FA's servers for a time. The attacker also gained control of FA's Twitter/X account. FA was offline for a couple of days while FA's staff regained control of the domain and checked for any other damage the attacker may have done.

On Furbitron, this outage can be seen as a short horizontal section on the line in late August on the past-year graph for FA , and as a short horizontal section on the solid grey 2025 line, just before day 240, on the year-on-year graph for FA .

This outage was correlated with small bumps in the post rate at SoFurry, Weasyl, and Itaku.

2024 was the fourth year ever where FurAffinity did *not* have year-on-year growth; it ended 2024 with about 4,363,000 submission IDs, as compared to 4,566,000 for 2023. The post rate for 2024 was relatively consistent before the outage; after the outage, it wasn't quite as high as it was earlier in the year.

Based on data from January to early July, 2024, Furbitron predicted that FurAffinity would have 4,440,000 submissions for all of 2024. The actual result was lower than predicted.

FurAffinity launched in late 2005 and had about 12,000 submission IDs that year; 2006 was the first full year of operation, with about 320,600 submission IDs. It had year-on-year growth every year from 2005 to 2020.


FurryNetwork had about 30,340 submission IDs in 2024. This was the slowest full year for FurryNetwork.

Based on data from January to early July, 2024, Furbitron predicted that FurryNetwork would have 31,100 submissions for all of 2024. The actual result was a little lower than predicted.

FurryNetwork had a slight bump in its post rate in mid-August, 2024. This may be related to Dragoneer's passing in early August and the FA outage later in August.

FurryNetwork's best year ever was 2016, with about 1,063,000 submission IDs. It launched in summer 2015 and had about 286,800 submission IDs that year.


itaku had about 301,300 submission IDs in 2024, making it the second-best year for itaku so far.

itaku had a very slight bump in its post rate in mid-August, 2024, and a slightly larger one in mid-September, 2024. The August bump may be related to Dragoneer's passing in early August and the FA outage later in August.

itaku reached submission ID 1,000,000 on December 12, 2024.

itaku first went online around October, 2020, but had a very low post rate through about June, 2021. itaku had about 38,900 submission IDs in 2021, and 243,000 in 2022.


SoFurry had about 127,100 submission IDs in 2024. This was a decline from 149,400 submission IDs in 2023.

Based on data from January to early July, 2024, Furbitron predicted that SoFurry would have 125,000 submissions for all of 2024. The actual result was slightly better than predicted.

SoFurry had a slight bump in its post rate in mid-August, 2024. This may be related to Dragoneer's passing in early August and the FA outage later in August.

SoFurry's best year ever was 2017, with about 166,700 submission IDs. It launched in spring 2006 and had about 6,700 submission IDs that year; 2007 was the first full year of operation, with about 23,900 submission IDs.

Since at least August 2013, SoFurry has been developing a new version of their site, which they currently call SoFurry Next. SoFurry has not yet announced when SoFurry Next will go into production. When that happens, Furbitron's data collection for SoFurry will most likely be interrupted for at least a few days, until it is updated to handle the new site and its API.


Weasyl had about 115,300 submission IDs in 2024. This was a decline from 141,100 submission IDs in 2023.

Based on data from January to early July, 2024, Furbitron predicted that Weasyl would have 104,000 submissions for all of 2024. The actual result was better than predicted.

Weasyl had a slight bump in its post rate in early August, 2024. This may be related to Dragoneer's passing in early August and the FA outage later in August.

Weasyl's best year ever was 2014, with about 526,000 submission IDs. It launched in fall 2011 and had about 40 submission IDs that year; 2012 was the first full year of operation, with about 77,200 submission IDs. 2024 was the slowest full year for Weasyl since 2012.

Notes and disclaimers

The submission ID counts in this post have been rounded off. They should be within about 1% of the un-rounded counts.

The owners of the various sites can directly query their site's database, so they may publish slightly different numbers than are found here.

The numbers here come from Furbitron's monitoring of the sites listed. The historical data was mostly gathered from the sites in September 2021. e621 provides a dump of their site database, so the historical data for e621 came from that dump in September 2021. Since then, Furbitron has done "live" monitoring of each site, once a day.



Neato! Glad to see these are still being updated on a need-to-know basis! Keep up the great work!